Cute Mommy Graphics and Layouts
===A MAN can love U from da bottom of his heart, but there's always room for another BITCH at da TOP!!! That's y I say settle for a MAN that loves U with his soul, bcuz 9 times out of 10 his HEART has been IN and OUT of too many hands, and "I'm ALLERGIC to GERMS!!!" Unlike the HEART, the SOUL can neva be broken. It can be LOST, but NEVA broken. If I'm not mistaken, the HEART is just an organ that keeps the blood flowing thru the body. If it wasn't for the heart, he would be loving you from the bottom of his liver. "SAME DIFFERENCE" Neither one of them can feel. So when a MAN gives U his HEART, give it back bcuz he needs it in order to LIVE. Besides, it's not his to give away anyways. The Bible does say that the only thing that is ours is our SOUL, right?! THINK ABOUT IT!!! It dont get no better than that...and we all learn the hard way...but not I anymore!!!!!WhY MaKE SoMeoNe a PRioRTY WHeN You'Re oNLY aN oPTioN To THem?????======
A WOMAN'S WORTH!!!As a WOMAN in this day and age, I am in a position to ask a MAN, "What can HE do for ME that I can't do for MYSELF???" I pay MY own bills!!! I take care of MY own household!!! WITHOUT the help of any MAN...or WOMAN for that matter. I am in the position to ask, "What can a MAN bring to the table???I need a MAN who is striving for PERFECTION in EVERY aspect of life!!!
“I am looking for someone who is striving for PERFECTION MENTALLY, because I need CONVERSATION and MENTAL STIMULATION!!! I DON'T need a SIMPLE-MAN!!!I am looking for someone who is striving for PERFECTION SPIRITUALLY, because I don’t need to be unequally yoked... BELIEVERS mixed with UNBELIEVERS is a RECIPE for DISASTER!!! And even if HE is a believer>>>> HE needs to BELIEVE as I DO!!!I need a MAN who is striving for PERFECTION FINANCIALLY, because I DON'T need a FINANCIAL BURDEN!!!I am looking for someone who is SENSITIVE enough to understand what I
go through as a WOMAN, and strong enough to keep ME grounded when I do go through CHANGES!!! I don't need a MAN who is going to purposely bring ME grief.I am looking for someone who I can RESPECT!!!I am NOT looking for a MAN who isn't taking care of his business or who is "MESSY" in his PERSONAL AFFAIRS!!!God made WOMAN to be a HELPMATE for MAN. I can't help a MAN if HE can't help HIMSELF, If HE can't help HIMSELF then HE DEFINITELY CAN'T HELP ME!!!Am I Asking For A Lot??????????????
"NO, I AM WORTH A LOT!!!!!!!!!"