Digby profile picture



About Me

Im a Shit Zu (or something like that), im fluffy, friendly and smell! And Im a Dad, of a dog called Dylan.

This profile was edited with Skize Editor

My Interests

Rolling on my back, tummy rubs, sleeping, food, food, and sitting stairing into space

I'd like to meet:

Anyone willing to give food


Anything Sam listens to!


Sam, Phil, Dee, Buzzby, Dylan, Anyone with food

My Blog

Woof In Genral

Woof, Howl, Woof Woof Mc Woof Woof, Meow? wtf, Woof.   When i roll on my back, and put my paws together, im asking for a tickle. If you do not tickle i will keep asking. And lie on your bed and d...
Posted by Digby on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 06:19:00 PST