
About Me

My family/true friends are the most important to me and I would to anything for them. In my life Martial Arts has been at the forefront. I've competed and have been succesful in many aspects, but by no means does that mean I am invincible or some crazy super power. I have chosen for my life to live a pure life also known as 'Straight Edge', I don't believe in the consumption or use of drugs or alcohol in order to have a "good" time. Nor do I need to sleep around with whoever to prove a point or gain rep. I also have chosen to be Vegetarian, free of any meat. My convictions/beliefs never inhibit me from making friends with new people or keep me from experiencing life to the fullest. I am open and upfront, and like to keep it real with whoever I have in my life regardless of where I am. There has been times in my life where I have been down, and times in my life where I've risen above. I've never given in or given up, nor will I ever. I am always on a constant quest to improve my life and the life of those around me. I am ready for whatever the world throws my way. you can im me at xdeathbloodgorex

My Interests

straight edge, Islam, family/friends, FREEDOM, anti-patriot act, Pinoy pride, vegetarianism, martial arts(jiu jitsu, judo, pekiti tirsia kali/pencak-silat/all FMA, tang soo do). fighting mma, politics, being eco-friendly, staying extremely fit, and eating healthy, music, art, firearms, weapons(knife and full contact escrima)

I'd like to meet:

shape shifting alien reptiles!


shit with a message


they live, 1984, hoffa, fubar, red dawn, a beautiful mind, old boy, the skulls, the animal factory, rosemary's baby, the believer, intolerance, the birth of a nation, the road to guantanamo, jungle fever, the anarchist cookbook, the aftermath, shock corridor, over the edge, maxed out, the dreamers, rosewood, suburbia, black snake moan, the trailer park boys movie, the karate kid, the warriors, prozac nation, war of the worlds, dumbland, hate crime, skinheads usa: soldiers of the race war, american crime, charming billy, mafioso, godfather trilogy, secretary, falling sky, duel, road house, the rules of engagement, tron, blood sport, kickboxer, mortal combat, cool hand luke, schindler's list, umberto d., the royal tenenbaums, blade runner, metropolis, american splendor, zulu, the big lebowski, citizen kane, phantasm, over the top, throne of blood, brubaker, crocadile dundee, noi albinoi, dark horse, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, rat catcher, audition, best in show, raging bull, enter the dragon, brazil, malcom x, game of death, joe vs. the volcano, rambo, rocky, terminator, hackers, 8 1/2, seven samurai, jubilee, pleasantville, focus, la strada, the seventh seal, the pianist, 24 hour party people, mysterious skin, donnie darko, slackers, battle royale, fried green tomatoes, dummy, rushmore, fast times at ridgemont high, high fidelity, romper stomper, green street hooligans, slam, paper moon, run lola run, the lost honor of katharina blum, deathwish, natural born killers, the devil's rejects, blow, the rules of the game, the testament of dr. mabuse, big trouble in little china, belly, eraserhead, scarface, onmyoji, office space, bowling for columbine, waking life, running man, un chien andalou, hard to kill, jumanji, cool runnings, a scanner darkly, new jack city, never die alone, the devil's rain, the elephant man, dune.


HBO, HISTORY, COURT TV, A&E: any episode of curb your enthusiasm, oz, 24, sopranos, csi, the first 48, criminal masterminds, lockup, the shield, cops, greys anatomy.


igniting a revolution: voices in defense of the earth, Ishmael, the demon, no holds barred, the Quran, the Bible, the kaballah, as i lay dying, secret societies and psychological warfare, the secret man, the secret teachings of all ages, an occult history of the world, norwegian wood, i, robot, the art of war, hagakure, dance dance dance, american hardcore, the reptilian agenda, infinite love is the only truth: everything else is illusion, I am me I am free: the robots guide to freedom, , salad days, mysterious skin, the anarchist cookbook, execution, the screwtape letters, choke, peralandra, the wind-up bird chronicles.


Muhammed,Imam Ali, Jesus.