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hello about all the visiting people,I àm from germany my age: 28 years old (will be changing all year of course) family: my mom, my grandparents, my sister, my brother in law and of course my nices.(they are very very nice but sometimes strenous)I am working in a forwarding agency. I like my worke very much but it is`nt boring complement to dancing. i like all kind of dancing , In every free time I dance at home and since the beginning of the oktober in a school and sometimes if the weather is nice also in the garden and so on for me. I tried all kind of dancing, but my favourite dance is rock`n`roll in the modern can insert all groves from every dance and not all this you have oppurtinity to show the akrobatic details.( in my youth I was a kunstturner and in my childhood balett dancer )and i love gogo dancing -i am visiting a cours for this )my second dancefavourite is GOGO / Backgrounddancing . I love it very much is very interesting and a way to express your style with some mainmoves. yeah!other hobbies are: jonglage,sports of all kinds( bar golfs don`t are my favourite -mybe Iàm 80 years odl but not yet) , tinker,handiworks, learn english and italian at inlingua, our dogs (especially willy wuff -I have written a story about willy wuff-because he does what he wants to do he is like the TV willy wuff but in small kind),going swimming, learning news,angel and dolfins,meditations,hula hup, rope skiping, rebounding,gymnastik, boardjumping, .....(its to long to count all my favourite thinks)my favourite drink and eat: grean tee, wine , suppenhuhn with rice. , chinese food and of course italian favourite colour: green( I am workin in a company with a green colour) , lila and of course gold ( Gold is a angel colour)my wishes: a healthy and happy life without problems aND WITH VERY NICE PEOPLE; eNYOIS AND FRIENDS AND THAT ALL MY WISHES COME TRUE OF POSITIV KIND * MY FAVOURITE SPEAKING. ( of course in german: ) Auch aus Steinen die einem in den Weg gelegt werden kann man schoenes bauen "Keine Angs vor aufbauende Kritkmy favourite songs:. Lay on your love in me,because the night , SELF CONTROL, Sara perche ti amo, Do it at night, Big Japan, Downtown, La Notte speciale, Mambo italiano, Jump for joy, you are the sunshine , in the richman world, when, forever jung, celebrate, Let the dream come true, Whats the way to your heart, fly, TUNR ON THE NIGHT, Oli P, Tarkan, Immer wieder, Theater, Schuld war nur der Bossanova, Non ce, dance with me, Moonlightshadow,Hips do`n`t lie, Klick Klack, on th radio, All your love on me, indians song, and everyday I`ll find new songs who ar my new favourite.