My name is Kieran, I'm 23 but really I'm an old man. I am a music cynic and I've been trying to get over that for some time now. Unfortunatly I can't trust the musical taste of anyone else in the World. Seriously though, I'm way better than I used to be (right Tiff???). I used to be a bassist in a band called Surly but really we should have been called Lazy. I now act in a consultancy role. The band are still on MySpace, check out Surly on my friends list. Other people on my list include some of the friends I have on both sides of the Atlantic. I recently made the leap from one side to the other. There are a lot of sea creatures in the ocean and if they were á la carte I wouldn't hesitate to eat any of them. I have eaten ostrich, snails and python in my time. Pythons do not exist in Ireland and I have never seen one on my travels beyond Dublin Zoo during numerous school tours in the greyness of the early 90s. Despite these poor experiences in my youth (Celtworld), I find travelling to be quite enjoyable on the whole. I have visited the States a number of times and have done a few trips to undisclosed locations around Europe. I would like to do a lot more travelling around Europe but that plan will have to be put on hold for now. So that's me, elitist, egotistical, wanton, and a traitor to boot. At the end of the day though, I'd just call myself a spunky individual...