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About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Need To Know.

Please Help. ..

Before You Message. I have an absolutely amazing boyfriend. We're practically married. So, NO I'm NOT interested. I DON'T like you. Thanks.
I owe him more than he can ever know. Because of him, I am happy, confident, and loved. Because of him, I finally like myself. I am reborn.
I don't think he knows how much he means to me.
I love you, Erik.
I love the way you make me feel.
You got me tangled up in love.

About Me. -+- I'm amazing.
-+- I sometimes think way too much.
-+- I love a lot of people.
-+- But I fall in love way too easily.
-+- I'm addicted to music and movies.
-+- I am very lazy.
-+- I want out.
-+- I'm a hug whore
-+- But I hate affection.
-+- I tend not to make sense.
-+- If I confuse you, I'm okay with that.
-+- I am me.
-+- I'm a big tomboy.
-+- I love sports, video games, and cars.
-+- I'm a huge Red Sox fan.
-+- If you don't like it, kiss my ass.
-+- Chances are, we have something in common.
-+- I am really beautiful.
-+- People do care about me, and do love me.
-+- I do deserve to be happy.
-+- I have this power to make people happy, I don't know how.
-+- Guess what, I'm amazing.
-+- I'm not cocky.
-+- I'm just finally happy with myself.
-+- I don't need a man to be happy, it's just nice.
-+- I'll never be able to please everyone.
-+- So, I'm just gonna please myself.
-+- If you don't like me, I don't care.
-+- I swear a lot.
-+- Fuck you if you don't like it.
-+- I'm a spelling and grammar freak.
-+- I dumb myself down so people can understand me.
-+- I have a lot of online friends.
-+- I love them tremendously.
-+- I have a lot of real life friends, too.
-+- They rule me.
-+- Animals are a weakness of mine.
-+- I feel worse for animals than people.
-+- Children are another weakness.
-+- I want six to twelve of them.
-+- But only in even numbers.
-+- I like all types of music.
-+- Resident Evil is a big part of my life.
-+- I want to become a Console Gaming Engineer.
-+- Console Gaming Engineer = Video Game Designer.
-+- I love bad reality TV.
-+- My life goal changes weekly.
-+- Fuck is my favorite word.
-+- I have a perverted mind.
-+- I like any type of art.
-+- Free things are my love.
-+- I use the word "love" a lot.
-+- I never had a boyband phase.
-+- But 2gether is amazing.
-+- I can't hold on to money.
-+- I have movies out the ass.
-+- But I haven't seen most of them.
-+- Concerts make me horny.
-+- I love concerts, though.
-+- I am magic.
-+- I love horror movies.
-+- The gorier the better.
-+- I don't scare easily.
-+- I contradict myself a lot.
-+- I quote random places often.
-+- I have the memory of a goldfish.
-+- I'm pretty sure I have number dyslexia.
-+- At one point I wanted 20 tattoos and 30 piercings.
-+- I've scaled that down a lot.
-+- Although I'm scared of needles, getting a tattoo is okay.
-+- I actually like my work.
-+- It gets me away from home.
-+- And the people are sweet.
-+- Except Allan.
-+- He's an asshole.
-+- Not really.
-+- I have tons of celebrity crushes.
-+- I've been obsessed with Jacoby Ellsbury & Zooey Deschanel.
-+- Also, Dustin Pedroia and Al Barr.
-+- I stay up way too late.
-+- And usually sleep until 2 pm.
-+- My favourite country is Japan.
-+- I plan to go there some day.
-+- I spell some things the English way.
-+- I wish I were more Irish than I really am.
-+- My ideal heritage is Japanese, Finnish, and Irish.
-+- I contradict myself often.
-+- Even though I'm big, I don't eat a lot of foods.
-+- I live off chicken and turkey.
-+- Mint things are icky.
-+- I am highly emotional.
-+- I cry a lot.
-+- When I'm stressed, I cry and swear.
-+- I will never smoke cigarettes.
-+- They've screwed with my life enough.
-+- If I can't do something, I'll try until it works.
-+- Glow in the dark things are love.
-+- So are sparkly things.
-+- I can act like a five year old.
-+- Most everything is funny.
-+- I sometimes wonder why I do things.
-+- I'm aimless.
-+- I'm in love with icons.
-+- I collect them .
-+- And also make them .
-+- I hardly ever bruise.
-+- I'm also on deviantart .
-+- Neon is one of my favourite colours.
-+- So is glow in the dark.
-+- Stars are a huge passion.
-+- I like to write.
-+- I'm starting a novel.
-+- The main character is named She.
-+- I like taking pictures.
-+- Concert photography would be a cool profession.
-+- I need an XBox360.
-+- And also a laptop.
-+- I am not religious.
-+- But I do believe in some things.
-+- The supernatural is an interest of mine.
-+- Ghosts especially.
-+- I may very well be bipolar.
-+- My moods change often.
-+- I usually take out my anger on those I love.
-+- I mostly act like a five year old.
-+- My goal in life is simply to be happy.
-+- I want every video game system.
-+- I am a pollotarian.
-+- Which means I eat chicken and turkey.
-+- But I don't eat any other meat.
-+- My children will have weird names.
-+- But they better like them.
-+- My PSP is better than yours.
-+- Really.
-+- I'm pretty much obsessed with Eeyore.
-+- I wanna learn bass guitar.
-+- I have trouble sleeping.
-+- Mainly because I don't like it.
-+- I love snow.
-+- But I love Christmas lights more.
-+- I act like a giddy 5 year old during winter.
-+- It's pretty silly.
-+- But I can't help it.
-+- I've come to realize I like biting.
-+- A lot.
-+- And kisses on the neck.
-+- I like technology.
-+- I'm proud of my boobs.
-+- And my ass is pretty nice, too.
-+- I want to move out.
-+- And I will.
-+- With my sister.
-+- And my love.
-+- I like reading, a LOT.
-+- I've become quite a nympho.
-+- I can't help it.
-+- I blame Erik.
-+- He brought it out.
-+- But it's been there all along.
-+- I never used to be cold.
-+- Lately, I'm cold all the time.
-+- Especially my feet.
-+- I like quotes.
-+- A lot.
-+- I adore having long nails.
-+- I like painting them different colours.
-+- I have this thing with duality.
-+- Good and Evil.
-+- Light and Dark.
-+- Night and Day.
-+- It would be easier if the world was black and white.
-+- But in reality, it's all shades of grey.
-+- In the spectrum, I don't know where I fit.
-+- I'm pretty sure I pick up other's emotions.
-+- I cry when I'm frustrated.
-+- I cry when I'm sad.
-+- I cry when I'm happy.
-+- I just cry.
-+- I dream in technicolour.
-+- And I talk in my sleep.
-+- My dreams rarely make sense.
-+- But I think they mean something.
-+- I find people getting hurt funny.
-+- I can't help it.
-+- I'm scared of the future.
-+- But I want to know what it holds for me.
-+- I post a lot of bulletins.
-+- I'm very trustful.
-+- And trustworthy.
-+- I'm also wicked open.
-+- If you ask, I'll tell.
-+- I like anime.
-+- Especially Eureka Seven and Blood Plus.
-+- Haha, this is long.
-+- If you read all of it, you deserve a cookie.
-+- I wish I had a superpower.
-+- I'd love telepathy.
-+- But, I'm not sure if I want to know what people think of me.
-+- Okay, I lied.
-+- I'd totally want PeterPetrelli's power.
-+- I tend to call people by wrong names.
-+- If high ranked people screw it up.
-+- Like Bret Favre.
-+- I dislike people who can't type.
-+- I correct my own typing often.
-+- I've never been drunk.
-+- Never been high.
-+- But I act like a drunken stoner.
-+- I crack my back and fingers a lot.
-+- I've never been out of my country.
-+- I learn from experience.
-+- I'm the type of person to touch fire.
-+- Just to learn it's hot.
-+- Or lick a pole in winter.
-+- Just to see if my tongue sticks.
-+- If you tell me not to do something.
-+- I'll do it just to see why.
-+- I can't believe hardly anyone.
-+- I only trust myself.
-+- I like names.
-+- Especially weird ones.
-+- My feet are always cold.
-+- My hands most of the time, too.
-+- I like to pick scabs.
-+- It's kinda gross, but oh so fun.
-+- I have an AIDS ring!
-+- Inside joke, you wouldn't get it.
-+- I now work at Circuit City.
-+- I get madd discounts.
-+- That you can't have.
-+- So nyeh.
-+- I love COD4 and R6V2, even if I suck at them.
-+- And I have an Xbox 360 now.
-+- Tag is VishousPhury if you care.
-+- I love fla♦vor♦ice's so much.
-+- But I eat them funny.
-+- I make them all slushy first.
-+- I make jewlery and I should try selling it.
-+- I love my sparkly flats!
-+- I like my jersey flats, better.
-+- I'm really scared at the moment.
-+- I'm thinking up new ideas for a story.
-+- It's kind of a fanfic.
-+- About a mute girl.
-+- I love reading.
-+- I'm currently reading Love In Vein by Poppy Z. Brite.
-+- I actually like coffee milk.
-+- And wieners.
-+- I think I'm turning into a Rhode Islander.
-+- I wake up with a stuffy nose every morning.
-+- I took off the fake nails.
-+- Now I go natural.
-+- JayBay > Manny.
-+- I have no internet on my phone.
-+- My computer is crap.
-+- My necklace represents the 3 most important beings to me.
-+- Do not fucking touch it.
-+- I am very possessive of it.
-+- I seem to have lost my bank card somewhere.

Quotes. Someone said your name and asked me if I knew you. I just smiled, looked down, thought of our good times, wiped my tears and said, "Yeah, I used to..."
I did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. I did not like to be touched because I craved it too much. I wanted to be held very tight so I would not break. Even now, when people lean down to touch or hug me, or put a hand of my shoulder, I hold my breath. I turn my face, I want to cry.
You see, I have no plans to break down her morals. I want her to believe in love and virtue and the sanctity of marriage, and still not be able to stop herself. I want the pleasure of watching her betray everything that is important to her.
Sometimes... you can cry until there is nothing wet in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray, all you want, to whatever God you think will listen. And, still, it makes no difference. It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you. And you know that if it ever did relent... it would not be because it cared.
Do my shoes match my shirt? Does the shirt clash with my pants? Do my pants match my eyes ? Do my eyes look good tonight? Will this place be cool enough? Your hair looks oh so tough. This looks so good for us. Tonight my moneys gonna buy me love.
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.

I Want To Meet. Hm. What can I say? I'd like to meet anyone I find interesting. Kurt Cobain, Jeff Lindsay, Stephen King, all of the 2004 Red Sox team, Jeff and Matt Hardy, Bam Margera and his crew, and a whole bunch of actors. Masi Oka, Jensen Ackles, Josh Holloway... the list goes on. Add to that all the musical influences I have, and we've got quite a long list.

Musical Influences. Weird Al, Miyavi, 2Gether, 30 Seconds to Mars, 50 Cent, Aerosmith, AFI, Against Me, Alan Jackson, Alanis Morisette, Alice Nine, Allison, Antique Cafe, Aqua, Architecture In Helsinki, Ashlee Simpson, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Augustana, Barenaked Ladies, BB Mack, Billy Idol, Blake Shelton, Blink 182, Bloodhound Gang, Blue October, Blue Oyster Cult, Bon Jovi, Brad Paisley, Breed 77, Bronson Arroyo, Bullet For My Valentine, Bullets and Octane, Bury Your Dead, Bush, The Cars, Cascada, Chevelle, Chris Daughtry, Christian Daniel, CKY, The Clash, Clear Static, Dilana, Dir en grey, Disturbed, Dropkick Murphys, Due le Quartz, Duran Duran, ELLEGARDEN, Eminem, Eve 6, Everclear, Extreme, Fall Out Boy, Flyleaf, Foo Fighters, Four Year Strong, From First To Last, Fuel, Gary Numan, Gazette, GLAY, Godsmack, Goo Goo Dolls, Graeme Revell, Green Day, Gun's N Roses, H.I.M., Halestorm, Heart, Hinder, Human Sexual Response, Ill Niño, Jack Off Jill, Janne Da Arc, Jay-Z, Joe Nichols, John Cena, Johnny Cash, Kansas, Kanye West, Keith Urban, Kill Hannah, The Killers, Killswitch Engage, Kittie, Korn, L'Arc en Ciel, Lacuna Coil, Laputa, LeAnne Rhimes, Leftover Crack, Len, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Lit, Little Big Town, Live, Ludacris, Malice Mizer, Maroon 5, The Matches, Metallica, Mindless Self Indulgence, Miyavi, Moi Dix Mois, Motley Crue, Mudvayne, My Chemical Romance, N.E.R.D, Nelly, Nirvana, No Doubt, Nonpoint, Oingo Boingo, Orgy, Outkast, Ozzy Osbourne, Panic! At The Disco, Papa Roach, Peaches, Pearl Jam, Penicillin, Phantasmagoria, Pharrell, Pierrot, Pink Floyd, Poison, Prodigy, Psychostick, Queen, Rammstein, Rancid, Rob Zombie, Sadie, Saliva, Saosin, Seether, Shinedown, Shiny Toy Guns, Slipknot, Snoop Dogg, Spineshank, Staind, Stone Sour, Third Eye Blind, Three Days Grace, Toby Keith, Tommy heavenly6, Trace Adkins, The Transplants, Tupac, Vertical Horizon, Weezer, and most one hit wonder bands, too...

I Like Movies. Haggard, S.I.C.K., Anything made by Kevin Smith (excluding Jersey Girl, of course), Hostel, Saw, RENT, The Crow, The 2gether Movie, Spaceballs, Wayne's World 1&2, Baseketball, Team America, American History X, Eight Below, uhm.... Mostly, I like movies with Graphic gore and violence and strong language and sexual situations.

TV I Can Stand. Lost, Supernatural, House, Heroes, Bones, Dexter, Invader Zim, Clerks: The Animated Series, Dead Like Me, Scrubs, American Chopper, Fear (that show that was on MTV for, like, a season), Undeclared, Ghost Hunters, Inked, Red Sox, Smackdown, Raw, ECW, The Black Donnellys, Weeds...

Reading Materials. The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, The Dexter series, Anything by Stephen King, Where The Red Fern Grows, and many more.

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Comment. Hey!!

Basics. //Name:: Alaina
//Age:: 19
//Birthdate:: 4.12.88
//Sign:: Aries
//Height:: 5'4"
//Status:: Taken.

I Fear.->Heights.
->Talking dolls.
->Garbage disposals.
->No afterlife.
->Giant nutcracker men.

I Like. ♥Colour:: Blood Red.
Food:: Turkey Tacos.
Author:: Stephen King.
Genre:: Horror.
Movie:: Haggard.
Word:: Fuck.
Sport:: Baseball.
Team:: Red Sox.
City:: Tokyo.
Show:: Heroes.
Game:: Nemesis.
Actor:: Too many.
Actress:: Zooey Deschanel.
Singer:: Too many.
Song:: Too many.
Band:: Too many.

Names I Adore. /..Girls.
.*.Kyllikki Yukiko.
.*.Kazlyn Selene.
.*.Shanti Estella.
.*.Evangeliine Krystena.
.*.Calypso Nalani.
.*.Amaya Lolita.
.*.Zillah Draven
.*.Fisk Edward.
.*.Azazeal Phury.
.*.Kaden Lane.
.*.Rasui Alaire.
.*.Deklin Rayner.

I Belong To.


All My Friends

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© 2003-2007 | Mike

My Blog


I can't wait until I move out. Or, at the very least, get a car. I need to be able to do as I please, when I please. I NEED to get out of this place when shit goes down. And I can't deal with the bick...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:55:00 GMT

Why my life is shit.

Okay, so. I need to get this out of my system. *took a deep breath* My mum kicked my dad out of the house. And I don't quite get why. I know they have their problems. A LOT of problems. But it DOE...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 22:15:00 GMT

Animal Cruelty.

Ranty time. Okay, so I have a huge problem with the whole city of New York city. There's 8 million people, 5 million pets, and yet only 15 animal cruelty cops. Don't you think they're a little unders...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 22:29:00 GMT


Thought I Couldn't Top It, Huh? OVER 2000 Questions! (Truly the Longest!)Time and date right now::October 3, 2007. 12:03 pm. When do you think you'll finish this?:Later. How far do you think you'll ge...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 23:09:00 GMT

Natal/Birth chart.

The planets in the signsThe position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche.Sun i...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 13:04:00 GMT

Here's the scoop.

I feel very, very stressed lately.Having finals, plus work, plus stress at home...Now, added to that, the whole jail issue.Yeah.For those of you who don't know...I was in jail for about a day.Shoplift...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:54:00 GMT


She's so unaccomplished. The girl everyone likes. But no one knows."That girl in the hoodie""The quiet girlWho always smiles"She's the type of girlWho tries to helpNo matter how.She'd be a martyrIf it...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 19:34:00 GMT

I'll kill him.

Okay.   So,   I don't normally get really pissed off about anything.   But, today, I did.   The state representitive of Masachusetts, Scott Brown, came to my school today to have a...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 21:29:00 GMT

... survey. Bored

JUST DO IT. 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: 7. Describe me...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:20:00 GMT


I'm so not ready for it to be the holiday season yet.Get ready for the tears....
Posted by on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:02:00 GMT