Interesting, multi-dementional humanoids. No robots, corpses, or dolts.
Depends on the day and the mood. Mostly classic rock, jazz, and grass roots blues...and LOUD! I've invested in surround sound for 2 rooms(a childhood self promise). I need to be let it wash over me and to swim in it until I drown.
Oh crap...who cares? OK: As Good As It Gets, Armeggadon, Hellboy, good sci fi
Yet ANOTHER TIRED AND BORING questionLOVE the Sopranos, CSI Los Vegas, Grey's Anatomy
The LIBRARY OF CONGRESS is now available online. I am not a connoisseur of the classics...but I have obviously read one or two books...blah, blah, blah
My heros are the founding fathers of our country. What incredible passion and committment to ideals!
The men who wrote our Consititution were great of wisdom...of vision.
I wonder what they would say about today's Americans.
Name Jenny
Birth Date and Time 4/16/53 7:48 PM
Birth Place Eureka
Where do you live now Salem
Height 5'4"
Weight Too damned much
Eye color dark green
Ethnicity Armenian
Type of shoes most often worn sandals
How many pairs of shoes do you own? uh...20?
Describe your personal style (what do you wear?) varies...shorts, dresses mostly
What is the theme of your recurrent dreams? Light bulbs
Your biggest fear? being eaten by bears
What makes you sexy to others? my personality
Jock or Nerd? Nerd
Vices? Everything know to God and man
Average number of dates before you "put out" 5
Are you artistically gifted, and in what way? I'm right brained
Are you a first, last, or middle child? 2nd
How many siblings? 4
When you were growing up, was your family life happy? chaotic
Do you enjoy experiencing new foods? Yes
How many times have you moved in the last 10 years? 1
Are you a diver or a wader? both...naw...diver
Do you have a sense of humor, or a sense of fun? both
Have you ever seen a ghost? no
What is the best quality that you bring to a relationship? good communication, natural nuturing qualities
The worst quality? impatience
Are you lovable? absolutely
Why? Because I believe in empowering my S.O., not hypercritical