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I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1 ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
Your Life.
Name?: sue
Birthday?: 17th january 1949
Birthplace?: ilford, essex
Gender?: female
Hair Color?: red
Eye Color?: hazel
School?: a long time ago!
Movie?: the bodygaurd
Music?: guns n roses, and many others
BandArtist?: guns n roses, axl rose!
Book?: book about steve marriot
TV Show?: home and away
Expression?: oh bugger!!
City?: london
Place?: my daughters house
Country?: australia
Food?: steak
Sport?: tennis
80's Movie?: greece
90's Movie?: ghost
CD?: use your illusion 2...and the small faces
Album Cover?: culture club
Drink?: cappucino
Instrument?: guitar
50's Musician?: elvis presley
Letter?: S
Number?: 6
Instruments?: nope!
Skateboard?: hahahahahaha!!!!! u joking right?!
Snowboard?: see above!
Surf?: and above again!!
Dance?: used to..
Sports?: only to watch!
Others?: nah
Do You _____?
Smoke: yea to much
Drink: sometimes.....
Toke Up: no never!!
Read: when i can be bothered
Write: does emailing count?!
Sign?: capricorn
Deepest Secret?: well if i told u that it wudnt be a secret anymore!!
Speak Other Languages?: only swearing!
Your Anti-Drug?: yea
In Love?: with axl! hed love me if he knew me!
Crushes?: see above!..and kevin costner
Hates?: spiders!
Likes?: axl rose! and poppy(daughters dog)
Christian?: im not really anything
Last Two
What Are You Listening To?: some shit of my daughters
Date and Time Completed:: 04/09/06 9.31am
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

axl rose(no suprises there then),kevin costner,

My Blog

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