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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My philosophy of life: Take me as I am or fuck off! Unapologetically opinionated, I really don't suffer fools gladly.A gothic, Regency, Elizabethan Faerie Empress with a taste for long-haired men, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Oscar Wilde, antique fountain pens, bottled ink, corsets, European power/gothic metal, J-Rock/J-Metal, BDSM and thai iced teas (not necessarily in that order).I'm 43 and I still get carded at bars.I'm a published writer with one toe in reality (because that's all reality deserves from me), and the rest of my body in the world of dreams and desires.I write erotic stories featuring insouciant elf lords, arrogant vampires and the full-figured women who get to fuck them. I want at least TWO hot Sidhe princes (with long red hair) to tie me up and do really BAD things to my body. I even write J-Rock slash.My two distinct alter egos are the elegant and witty Vixenne Victorienne, a seventy-something Steampunk salon doyenne with a taste for art, swords and long-haired men in kilts. There's also Ashlyn K. Toliver, my sexy slash writing persona who loves watching hot long-haired men in tight leather do the wild thing...I don't fit into anyone's narrow box, so put it away or I'll bury you in it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet J.R.R. Tolkien and pick his brain. I'd like to meet George Lucas and tell him to make Shadows of the Empire into a film. Who else? Lord Byron (mad, bad and dangerous to know); Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his model Alexa Wilding; Oscar Wilde; Josephine Baker; James Baldwin; Steve Perry; John Boorman (director of Excalibur); Sean Bean; Viggo Mortensen; Jenna Jameson (because I think she's cool); All five of the original members of Queensryche (he he, because I want them to do very bad things to me while Geoff Tate talks dirty to me with that voice of his); Jimi Hendrix; Janis Joplin, Sojourner Truth; Sally Hemings; Anais Nin; William Shakespeare, Cleopatra; Criss Angel; Floor Jensen of After Forever--and most of the cool people here on MySpace.

My Blog

SUGIZO - RISE TO COSMIC DANCE - ENOLA GAY An instrumental of horror and hope...let's leave war and hate behind and pray to music...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:48:00 GMT

SUGIZO - RISE TO COSMIC DANCE - COSMOSCAPE In the pantheon of great guitarists, add Sugizo to the list. Amazing music and so full of soul. And I love Origa's vocals and of course, the ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:36:00 GMT

D'espairs Ray - Garnet More awesomeness from D'espairs Ray. This gets heavy rotation on my MP3 player!
Posted by on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:24:00 GMT

Exist Trace - Judea (PV) Another from the kick ass all-female VK band, Exist Trace. Give it up!!!
Posted by on Sun, 09 Aug 2009 18:43:00 GMT

exist trace VANGUARD PV Damn right, chicks ROCK! These women sound better than a lot of the male VK bands out there.
Posted by on Sun, 09 Aug 2009 18:23:00 GMT

Jasmine You Forever...

Jasmine You, bassist for Versailles, passed away today and my heart is heavy. My prayers go out to his family, friends, the band and millions of Versailles fans worldwide who, like me, feel as if th...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Aug 2009 17:47:00 GMT

Why I HATE fanboys/fangirls

Nothing sucks more than the fanboy/fangirl contingent who think they actually OWN the comic/manga/group/game etc. and who tend to be stuck-up little snobs who treat anyone new or interested like dirt....
Posted by on Sat, 08 Aug 2009 22:43:00 GMT

i)|ªÚé matenrou opera - ANOMIE [FULL HQ DVD RIP PV] + L^Lyrics Check out the smokin' double-bass! These guys kick some major ASS!!!
Posted by on Sat, 08 Aug 2009 22:37:00 GMT

Once Again, My Top 26 People I’d Love to Do...

Current mood: bouncy Or better yet, have them do bad things to me.  This list is in no particular order (again) and all depends on mood and hair colour.  I know, I know, this list ge...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 15:05:00 GMT

Ten Weird Things About Me...

Only ten???  Okay, there are way more than ten weird things about me, but these are the ones that come to mind... 1. I tend to read up to four books at one time and never get confused with the ch...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 15:59:00 GMT