I've learned that in time, God will show us things that we've never seen before. Things that will make us wonder how long we've been pissin Him off. Things that will make us think about all the times we became the Judas of today's world.Well, I have reached a point in my life where it's now all about Him. If this is something you can't get with, that's something you have to deal with while stepping. For all of those people who have stuck by me through thick and thin, I praise God for you. To my sons, Lil' Dre and Briaheen, you are my heart and all I do is to better the life that I want for us. Know I will never do anything or tell you something to hurt you. To my best friend Toya, I love you because you're always you; and that means a lot to me.If I forgot you oh well. This time, I wasn't meant to glorify you. Be Blessed!
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