Bec! profile picture



About Me

Hi.Im Bec
Thats all you realy need to know
But still, do read on! (Y)
Im A Teenager & I Like It :]
In the picture is me.
Cos why wud I put someone else there?
I'm 17.
Somedays I dnt act it.
I blame my friends (L)
I can be immature.
But It's more fun :]
Leona, Celia, Jade, Frankie, Charlie & Joolz are the best.
You can't buy friendship like that down the shops.
Randomness is fun & Leonas Lee Evans impressions make me laugh :)
I'm very supersticious, It's really quite sad!
I'm easily amused, just make me laugh and I'm gone.

Got Bebo. Its Shit. look at it anyways :].

Comments. Thanks.

You love it really :]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:
