§ MB § ... aka Deb profile picture

§ MB § ... aka Deb

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi ... Im a mother of 2 gay & 1 heterosexual children- Im VERY PROUD of them all. I fully support the AIDS Awareness Foundations & Support groups. After everything you may think - Come on people - they are still people who love, hurt, cry, rejoice & care about us as we care about them. To those of you who are bigoted, have tunnel vision or just hate for the sake of hating gay people - to you I say *GROW UP DKHEAD* Life, Love, Devotion does not go by colour, sexuality, race etc. If I have offended anyone then I say to you *Tough SHIT* & I really have no more time for you - Click *Home* & go away. To my true friends & people who really care I Hope you have a Great Day.

I want to be remembered as
The girl who smiles
Even though her Heart is Broken
And the one who can always
Brighten up your day even if
She couldn't brighten her own.
... Laugh when you can
... Apologize when you should.
... Let go of what you can't change.
... Kiss slowly. Play Hard.
... Forgive quickly. Take Chances.
... Give Everything ... And have No Regrets.
... Life is too short to be anything but Happy
*** So About Me hey ... Hmmm well there be a tricky thing ... 45'ISH (or 21 on the inside) & just overall 1 damn fine Aussie!!! Ok ok Serious now (cough cough) 1st up Humour you ask? Well a Pleasant sense of humour I think (I hear some of you saying Warped !!!! Hush you) ...

***I love designing & creating new MySpace Profile pages - getting in touch with my Artistic side *cough*. Most of the designs have been taken on board by Pimp-My-Profile com Im Rapted !! Thank You guys !! WooHoo !!
(MySpace profile that Im in the process of setting up.)

This will show some but not all the designs I have done so far. This is definitely something I would love to get into full-time. This may, just may, explain the constant changes on my profile page - so give me a 'HEY' if you're interested. Love Anything concerning the Dark side of graphics (check profile pages) & Fantasy world of Dragons etc.

*** As I mentioned above I have 3 kids - 2 girls 25 & 21 and a son 19 (although they are the cause of ALL my grey hair ahaha!!! But thats all dyed now ahahaa so its all good) Yep, as most parents would agree, at times I could go out to dig some holes to hide the bodies but then they *Get their fingers out* and return to *Normal* lol. I love them with all my heart & would defend & protect them with my life. So, in other words, Hurt my kids & there will be 1 very pissed off, determined Aussie Sheila hot on your hammers wanting *Blood. Umm what else.. Oh I have 2 tattoos (yes i do want to get a couple more - mid-life crisis maybe?) Ears are pierced 10 times (yes I do wanna get couple more - I know I know mid-life again)

***I have this uncanny thing about people being able to open up - whether it be to vent their frustrations or just chat for company. I support the concept of Gay Marriages because Marriage is about LOVE not Gender!!. I don't appreciate people who pretend to be something they are not. I dont appreciate or have any time for people, whoever they may be, who stick their nose into stuff that doesnt concern them in any way, shape or form. With the *fakers* its a case of "Take that Mask off Pal" I tend to wanna expose them for what they really are but then again its up to others to see for themselves at times. Have been caught many times by "Masked People" pretending to be friends then their true self emerges - I think it takes a lil piece of trust that never returns - tends to make me very wary of people. Downside is I tend to put others first which sometimes comes back to nip me in the RRR's (See I even censor my own space lol) But will I stop putting others first? NOPE !!

*** Ummm what else? Oh I believe in *Things that go Bump in the night* sort of thing. Had my own lil experiences. Thing is nothing can explain why or how - just - it was. Dryer turning on by itself, radio & tv doing the same lol. Has been known to freak out some people - but I sense no harm no far & am pretty well aware of this sort of thing so there ya go. Call me crazy by all means (Well I am Aussie!!)

***Love my pets & Gran-Pets - dogs, cats, birds, kids, partner heh heh (the whole Zoo lol...although I reckon the gran-pets are Mine too - so could be a custody battle !!!) Amazing how an animal can bring light & joy into a person's life even on the bluest of days.
***Adore & Love hanging with my bestest buddies whether it be playing Softball or just having chats over coffee. Such a mad crew but when the chips are down they are the first ones to rally around & each of us know that the others will be there when needed. And isnt that what true friends do? Answer: !! In A Flash !!

*** Have also written a few short stories - rather gruesome (thats prob bit harsh heh heh) prob more on the Alien, Science Fiction, Psychological stuff. Oh lets face it - they're just WEIRD ahahaa. Havent had the nerve just yet to approach anyone regarding possible publishing cos cos "Da Crazy Person" might suck lol.

***Exercise? hmm Play Softball as a form of exercise & relaxation (BUT Thank God its only a few times a year!! Body couldnt handle any more... nah just gaggin')

***Ummm Not a Morning person by a long shot- so let me drink my coffee or tea & no-one will get hurt lol. And where do I live? In a house ...(warped humour again I know) Well.. Lets see - its some place way down & has the best climate, people, lifestyle... Guessed yet? WELL - - Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi !!!. Best Place ever of course!!

*** Dont know what else to say... Thats a first - Me being lost for words. May have to carry on later. Well enough drull stuff Lets move on ... Oh 1 other thing - Now Pay attention ...
Now pay attention cos this is IMPORTANT - - DONT try to sell me anything because I either dont want it, already have it, dont need it, or my kids are too old for it or Im too young for it. Another thing Don't preach religion or hand out magazines or tapes to me (been bitten by the Churchy Hypocritical thing before- 1st marriage long story blah blah blah) - in my heart is all that counts & besides Im sure God would listen even if I was in my wardrobe talking to The Big Fella (well i hope so cos its damn cramped in there)And if he doesnt have a sense of humour "I'm Screwed"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Oh definitely Sean Connery then perhaps Sean Connery then after that maybe Sean Connery (get my drift?) then umm *John Travolta, *Kevin Costner, *Sir Anthony Hopkins, *Tom Hanks *Johnny Depp *Harrison Ford *Jack Nicholson & the list goes on.. the normal.

***Apart from the Celebrities I would like to meet everyday people who are true, no falseness about them. I suppose the proper word is Genuine. Have come across numerous people who pretend to be someone or something they arent (as I mentioned in About Me - me NO really like 'em) & after a while they show the "True" self hiding below. These people annoy me. Everyday people who lead everyday lives often have more honesty as far as friendship is concerned than the "I wanna be your Friend until I get my pound of flesh" people.

***Also would love to have met people from the past - JFK, My Great Grandparents & Anyone who helped to make Oz the fantastic place it is today

***Send me a comment using the lil box thing below or hit Add a Comment.. And dont use the "I cant find the Add a Comment" link thingymabob - just use the magic scrolling finger & its down the bottom of posted comments (well I think it is - last time I looked anywayz lol)... You'd better leave a comment, because well ummm you dont want an Evil Insane Bitchy Aussie chasing you Ass or Do You???)

Leave a Comment .. You know you want to!!


My Blog

A truth to tell

Hey .. Well where to start?I have decided to write & post this blog because, well, I had an urge lolIm sure there is many of you out there who know or have known of someone who has suffered from D...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 09:08:00 GMT

Old Wives Tales

Ambulance ... Seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog. (Umm ok I think thats cause to send for an ambulance)   Appl...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:33:00 GMT


This thing we call *Life* really sucks at times? Dont you agree?Tomorrow, Thursday 10th, Im attending a funeral. An 11yr old young boy's funeral - the son of a good friend of mine. We play softball to...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 05:09:00 GMT

What The ...... ????? A Mums view.

Well here we go again. Be prepared this blog will be *Very Open & Prob very Graphic* (language wise)!!   Ive had enough!! and I mean REALLY enough. What about you may ask? ALCOHOL & the ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 21:19:00 GMT

Brownies recipe

Remove teddy bear from oven and preheat oven to 375. Melt 1 cup margarine in saucepan. Remove teddy bear from oven and tell Jr "no, no." Add margarine to 2 cups sugar. Take shortening can away from J...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:17:00 GMT


Hey everyone ...   Have you ever been amazed at the *rumours* that float about constantly either about you or someone you either know well or know of?   Its quite interesting about how they...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:58:00 GMT

Child Abuse - Thank You Andrea for Posting your Bulletin

Well where to start as I reach for another tissue ...   Firstly THANK YOU Andrea for your bulletin. I cried as did everyone I know who has read it & watched the included video.   What gi...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 22:10:00 GMT

Parents Dictionary

Parent's Dictionary of MeaningsDUMBWAITER: one who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.FEEDBACK: the inevitable result when the baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.FULL NAME: what yo...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:49:00 GMT


Ok before I start my usual ramblings jst want to say I have no idea where this may end up. Have you ever been that tired that ... you cant think straight ... you cant focus on any one thing ... you ba...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 08:34:00 GMT

Loves & Nah Dont Like

Thought Id just do a quick summary of me   Loves ... Family ... Rain ... Softball ... Pets ... My Friends ... Chocolate ... Tea ... More Chocolate ... The smell of freshly mown lawns ... Farm lif...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 03:16:00 GMT