On October17,2007 the Baltimore Algebra Project is calling for the nation to BLOCK TRAFFIC. The reason why we are blocking traffic is to grab the federal attontion Because the state is not giving us our quality education. for Blocking traffic interuptsthe cash flow of businesses, whitch put them in a position to take a stand. If we get the whole or most of the country to perticipate it would gain automatic media attention in whitch we will get the federal goverment attention and now they can here our demands qulity eduaction.
IS IT OK TO LIE TO CHILDREN? It must be according to the politicians! We're tired of these politicians saying whatever they want to us and think we're not gonna do anything about it?For more information:
Fernandes Harlee @ Fr. [email protected]
Chris Goodman @ [email protected]
Baltimore Algebra ProjectThe details are much deeper so hit me up for more info.
Students are blocking traffic nationwide on 10/17/07
For more details hit me up
Chris 443-957-5346
Baltimore Algebra Project
Chair of Maryland Freedom Board of EducationDelete My Comment
FarajiiDec 27, 2006 1:45 PM
Click here to find out more!For More information on DECEMBER 4th!! Visit the BAMN website! CLICK LINK-- BAMNIf you want me to hook your page up Chillerspot.bravehost.com , check out my website cHILLERsPOT!
That all persons invested with the Legislative or Executive powers of Government are the Trustees of the Public, and, as such, accountable for their conduct: Wherefore, whenever the ends of Government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the People may, and of right ought, to reform the old, or establish a new Government; the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
Freedom Fall is Baltimore City's version of the Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964 . Young people and supportive adults team up to organize a statewide, national, and hopefully global campaign to expose Maryland's blatant racial oppression through a lack of quality education, and the unconstitutional way in which Baltimore City schools are persistently underfunded.
Closely following Article 6 (see above), the Freedom Fall movement will create the Maryland Freedom Board of Education-a student led, socially responsible Board that aims to show the Baltimore City Board of Education how students of the city need and want to be taught. Freedom schools, run by youth, will be held in various locations in the city, centered around the providing a holistic quality education for students. Freedom schools will lead to mass demonstrations for the world to recognize and to provide pressure to the state to adequately fund inner-city students.
No Education! No Life!
Everyone, especially youth, will play an instrumental role in the Freedom Fall Movement. To help make your role a positive one, please take a second to email Fernandes Harlee or Chris Goodman, which will enable you to not only participate in marches and demonstrations, but to be apart of the The movement. SO email us today! For more information email one of the above address and if you are a Myspace member send message to the page.