Fake boobies, drinking, gambling, snow skiing, sex, sand volleyball, hunting, playing drums, working out, shocking people, thrill-seeking, acting stupid, animal husbandry, midgets, chasing my tail, pissing on the floor, crotch-sniffing, and licking myself.
Jessica Simpson, Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, James Bond, & Anna Nicole Smith.
Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Spy Game, MI 1, Friday Night Lights...obviously, action movies and pornos are my favorites.
Dallas Cowboy's games, UFC/Pride fights, The Office, 24, FOX News, The Sopranos, The Apprentice, West Wing, The Simpson's, Seinfeld, 2-a-days, Girls Gone Wild commercials.
American Soldier (Gen. Tommy Franks), ...I usually wait for the movie to come out.
Austin Powers, Hugh Hefner, and the guys from Jackass.