Hanging with friends. Playing guitar. "Listening to music at the appropriate level."-good loud music-. Playing tennis. Playing more guitar. Playing video games. Hanging with friends. Eating. Other outside activities. "24" the tv show. Classic Rock. Sleeping. more Classic Rock. Being awesome. Being responsible. God. Church. Making a difference. Martial Arts. and Driving.
...and all other great Classic Rock.
...and I love HomeImprovement, a few other shows...and I watch the news.
HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Band of Brothers, the Bible, Lord of the Rings, Shade's Children, and anything else thats interesting.
My Parents for preparing me for life, Kiefer Sutherland for being my favorite actor and bringing the greatest show ever to television, Jesus cause he's an all around great guy and my savior and all the great classic rock legends for their music like Jimmy Page, Randy Rhoads and Angus Young.