Depends on the day
??what color is your essence??? (9 results|detailed)
BLACKYour essence is black! You are misunderstood and a being of the darkness. Darkness fascinates you; you believe that the world of Light has betrayed you. You are creative and have a way with words and art. You often find your ideas are judged by the way you dress and look. You probably are a very good person on the inside; but have lost sight of it along the way. And who can blame you? You're the kid with the crappy life that is just trying to get by. Be careful, though--if someone hurts you, instead of seeking revenge, seek for a way to show them the truth. There can be a peaceful way out to a lot of situations. As a fellow human, I wish that you will try each one before resorting to fists and pain. You are in a difficult situation and are standing on the pathway, staring at many other paths, not knowing which to take.. Instead of seeking destruction, seek change. Instead of hanging onto relationships that aren't working for you, let them go. You can make it!
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anything that I don't fall asleep during
background noise mainly
don't really have time to read if I do I usually fall asleep in the middle
they always fail you at some point in life.