Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Family photos - Free genealogy
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Family photos - Free genealogy
If you think you are ugly, if you hate yourself, if you are bulemic, if you are suicidal, if you are homophobic, if you hate preps, if you hate jocks, if you hate players, if you hate kids, if you hate potheads, if you hate any label in general, if you label to find where you fit in, if you fit in, if you buy expensive clothes or get your hair cut at the best parlors, if you hate humanity, if you hate life, if you hate religon just to hate it, if you hate god, if you think your makeup is the best in the fucking world, if you listen to music and fail to grasp beauty in any of it, if you say you are insignificant through art, if you have ever imitated someone's makeup, if you fear scuffing your boots so you wont dance, if you're shy, if you purposely try to piss off mall cops (if you're a mall brat), if you are materialistic, if you write with blood from your nose, if you are a tease, if you have ever hit your lover, if you can't kiss without fucking, ur the one