I can sketch up designs for your car shirt or whatever it may be. If you don't know what you want to have painted on your stuff we can sit down and figure out your likes and dislikes. From there I can sketch up some ideas to run past you and we can go from there.
I'll be trying to post up pictures of latest projects and what not here on MySpace. So everyone can check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finished this March 28 2009 this car is looking great. Ghost flames down the side and the pheonix on the hood ready to swoop up any unsuspecting victims. ..
This is the underneath side of a ram air firebird hood looks real good.
This is a cobra kit car I painted it at Celina Custom Auto. This is a pretty neat color. It actually looks like silver in the sun and greenish in the shade or in the showroom in this case.
We also made some wall decorations. They are the front noses's of a cobra. They can be customized for headlights or even putting a radio in it. Email me for more info. http://[email protected]
This is going to be a very cool tailgate trailer. Will be going to some of the games and parties. Repainted whole thing red and silver with some help from Jeff at Celina Custom Auto. All airbrushing was done by me and images picked up by the guy who owns the trailer.
This is a 1995 Honda CBR 900 RR. Got it all done for spring/summer riding weather. Painted with all House Of Kolor products. The orange has a gold/yellow pearl in it and the blue has a cool sparkle to it becasue of the metal flake.
Here is some display panels that I will be taking around to the car shows for people to look at. So if you happen to run by me feel free to stop by chat and take a look.
Here is a 1993 Chevy Camaro. Repainted the whole car black. Took off side molding and filled in from camaro emblem for a smoother clean look all way around. Then repainted whole car black and striped it with some really cool blue stripes.