Illustration & drawing. I create unusual, diverse T-shirts, keychains and mouse pads and sell them on my web site . On my more family orientated site I create mouse pads, keychains and Tee's with customers photos or any other designs they have. I also like nature, hiking and basically any place with a lot of trees, serenity and peace and quiet. *Note* Don't confuse me with a tree hugger, that I am not.
Heavy modern such as Disturbed to classic rock such as Three Dog Night .
Mostly horror such as Hellraiser, The Evil Dead, Everything by George Romero, May, Cabin Fever, Trilogy Of Terror, The Thing, Misery, The Stand, A Clockwork Orange, the list goes on. Comedys are good too such as Dogma, Clerks, Weird Science, Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey, Airplane, The Naked Gun, Meatballs, Meatballs 2 and the list goes on.
Seinfeld, The Twilight Zone.
Favorite authors are Richard Laymon and Edward Lee.