♪ Liz ♥ ♪ profile picture

♪ Liz ♥ ♪

I need your arms around me, I need to feel your touch...

About Me

Visita MyCoolEspacio.com

My name is Liz... I tend to look familiar to those who know me :::WeiRD:::

Turn On's are delicious candies, delicious chocolates, loud music, manly cologne, and Kevin.

Turn Off's include, stupid people, porn, smelly pits, and the smell of urine.

Also, I really like singing this part out loud while moving my arms about:
"Put back the stars I'm out of shape toni-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight. Pinhole black velvet. Navigation-skills got lo-o-ost... with the fading li-i-ight. It was there not more then a second ago!!! But what do you know, what I do know is just not good eno-o-ough... to make this ri-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight. So put back the stars I'm out of place toni-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight..."

That's all you need to know you stanky crack heads!

Yes, I amuse myself plenty.

My Interests

..Writing poetry - Reading poetry - Philosophy - Music, oh how I love music - Local venues/shows - Research - Psychology - Inspiration -Tarrot - Palmistry - Solitude - Drawing - Comedy - Party Hardy Moments - Blogging - aMUSEment?

My Little Wendy Girl

Glitter Graphics

The Pee Wee

Myspace Glitter Graphics

Mark Hoppus: My fantasy baby-daddy (yummm!)

Everclear: My favorite band ever!

Art Alexakis: Awesome song writer

Momentary ThrillBLiNDSiDe!

, having something to do on FRiDaY nights, "TORTUGA" beer... and cold Red Bulls in the morning. Also, I find myself drawn to pinching Kevin's nipples. They are very nipply.

I'd like to meet:

Love Me Much
~*~Some of My Poetry~*~

Frozen Silent

In silence she travels and was through the haze.
Abundantly thinking; she's no longer amazed.
For the world has stood frozen; her hairs woven like thread.
The world has stood frozen, lifeless, and dead.
But still she will wonder, and travel her path.
Time measured by distance, silence withers her wrath.
So silent the silence she desperatly seeks;
So loud is the silence... she no longer speaks.


>>EVERCLEAR>>, :::BLiNDSiDe:::, ~*~CourtneyLove~*~, ..::HoLe::.., ~*~TheDistillers~*~, Rancid, LetterKills, ((( JimmyEatWorld ))), (((Blink182))), TheExies, CaKe, 311, GunsNRoses, Scorpions, Queen, aFLoCkoFSeaGuLS, DMB, PearlJam, CandleBox, JaNeS aDDiCTioN, RadioHead, GooGooDolls, RedHotChiliPeppers, REM, (~( NADA SURF)~) TheBeatsteaks, Coldplay, AliceInChains, TrustCompany, Thursday, !!!DeathByStereo!!!, Pulley, BlockParty, MUSE, *ModestMouse*, ~TakingBackSunday~, Sugarcult, FenixTX, iii BAYSIDE !!!, SocialBurn, MOLOTOV, Osker, iii AFI !!!, Millencolin, TheMisfits, Billy"FUCKING"Idol, NIN, :::LocalH:::, SavesTheDay, Semisonic, TheBreeders, Weezer, Audioslave, TheBeatles, NoDoubt, Maroon5, FooFighters, Nirvana, TooL, SmashingPumpkins... In other words.. I LOVE IT ALL!!! (sometimes)

On Myspace: Ancia, Empathy, Tied For Last, Never Waver... CHECK THEM OUT!


Comedies or anything with Kevin Costner's sexyness in it. And by that I mean the young Kevin Costner not the old retired one. Although, he is still looking pretty damn good if I do say so myself. But enough of that, did I mention you look-a like-a man?


..... melts your brainzzz


Edgar Allan Poe's poetry "thrills me - fills me with fantastic terrors never felt before."

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown (Still not done with that one)

I also like Dave Peltzer's books:
-A Child Called "It"
-The Lost Boy
Bla, bla, bla

I also have a tendency to go for the self help books... hmmm


..Mighty Mouse!

Andy Kaufman


My Blog

By the way... I Got Married

I just realized that I never posted the news. In case I haven't told you. Which I think I've already told my "real world" friends... if I haven't told you yet. I'd be surprised. I don't have many frie...
Posted by j Liz e j on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:07:00 PST

Paisas and Chinos and Ghosts Oh My!

Sooo...I'm wondering ....what   to   write   about?i  haven't had any time to myself lateley. i'm in great need of it. so i'm here at my computer spending alone time... listening t...
Posted by j Liz e j on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:44:00 PST


Hello friends. Here I am once more, posting a blog about my occurrences.  I've had a really exciting couple of weeks. On the 7th, Kevin, Chris and I went to Universal and tried out the Simpsons r...
Posted by j Liz e j on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:20:00 PST

Just dandy...

"Is something wrong with me, is something wrong with you I really wish I knew, wish I knew, wish I knew..."I'm really digging that Dramarama song on my profile. It just reminds me of my sister. Or may...
Posted by j Liz e j on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 01:23:00 PST

Christmas and stuff

Now that Christmas is just around the corner, reality is starting to get to me. Not that I'm depressed about this year not being as festive as i thought it would be. It's just kinda weird. We're not r...
Posted by j Liz e j on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 12:05:00 PST

Guitar Hero... clam dip and beer

Ok. Let me start by saying GUITAR HERO is the best game I've ever played. I so want Guitar Hero and Band Hero for Christmas. So If you love me, send me some money! I hope my booty and I can get the Wi...
Posted by j Liz e j on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:09:00 PST


My, my, my hasn't this been an interesting week.Lets start with Thanksgiving dinner. Now tell me why people freak out over a non-traditional thanksgiving dinner? Kevin and I were even considering goin...
Posted by j Liz e j on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 03:28:00 PST

i must be losing my mind

i must be losing my mind. once again, i'm starting to, or better yet, on the verge of diving into an emotional abyss. at this moment i am annoyed, sad, angry, maybe a bit frustrated with myself and th...
Posted by j Liz e j on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 04:49:00 PST


"Buried Myself Alive" you almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines you almost made me cry again this time another false alarm red flashing lights well this time I'm not going to watch...
Posted by j Liz e j on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:02:00 PST


Ok, so we got back from Vegas last night. I'm too pooped to do anything. I was going to hang out at the Pow Wow down the street and buy me some Indian tacos. But my lazy ass decided to drink some Coro...
Posted by j Liz e j on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 03:13:00 PST