BRAVEYANKEE - to beat the odds no matter how high they may stack up. A union built only by love....taking a sacrifice for your brother.
Crispus Attuck- BraveYankee who died so slaves could have a bit more freedom while America was at war wit Britain
Harriet tubman and Freddrick Douglas-BraveYankee who risk here own life to free slaves
Martin luther King Jr.- died for civil rights in america
You dont have to be dead or black or from a specific area of the earth you just have to want it.......want for yourself and for your brother....there are millions of braveyankeez who are building the strength to beat the odds Are you one of them........"I became everything i wanted to be in life the moment i realized i was........"
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Member Since: 30/08/2006
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Record Label: BraveYankee Muzic
Type of Label: Indie