One word that totally describes me -- MUSIC. I am happily married to one of the most dynamic preacher's in the world and the mother of 3 handsome young men. My nephew, Anthony and my niece Brittany can be viewed on this page to your left - they're also dynamic, talented and doing very well in college - I all but gave birth to them (not Raymond or Pam)- lol. I'm loaded with goddaughters and one godson - all of which are very talented, smart and saved!!! I am the third and last child adopted by the late Wilfred & Eliza Williams (an Evangelist extrodinaire). Highly influenced by my big brother the late Rev. Raymond A. Williams, pastor of the South Oak Cliff Baptist Church, Dallas, TX. It was his and the legendary Butch Heyward's style that really gave me love for organ music. Later other musicians such as Eddie Jemmott, Darryl Nealy, Damond Sessions, Billy Hopkins, Butch Rouse, Melvin Crispell, James Hall, Bernard Jones, Benny Samuels, Eddie Moses, Randy Moses, Alvin Moses, Michael Moses - you get my point. The list runs on and on. But these men..oh wait!! I cannot leave out two dynamic female musicians; one that I have looked up to all my life was Valerie Boyd and the other who is definately an organist beyond and above is Cassandra Balance aka Su-su. However, before hearing these mentioned I was totally sold on the piano. My form was and still hints around the style of "rag time." I was originally born into the unique Jackson family where I am the last born of 14; 10 of which (including myself) are still in the land of the living, I have realized that I come from a highly talented and brilliant family. Currently, I am the minister of music @ my church; Christ Church the Center of Hope in Far Rockaway where the pastor is the most capable Pastor Anthony Q. Howell. I have been the minister of music at 2nd St. Paul Church of Christ Disciples of Christ, Brooklyn, NY/Eld. Solomon Bryant, Pastor for over 20 years. Prior to that I was the musician for Bronx Gospel Tabernacle/Pastor Thomas Cooper from 3rd grade to 10th grade when I finally went back to my home church 2nd St. Paul. The Lord called me into the ministry in 2004, however I accepted the call in December 2008. I'm now heavily into the Evangelistic team of Christ Church where I have the love for the lost. The singing and the playing is all good and I enjoy being able to offer up my sacrifice of praise to my Father - however, going out into the streets and witnessing to the world has me so overjoyed, I feel like I can't tell them enough. When I was a little girl - about 8 yrs old, my mother, along with my Aunt - Evang. Whilemina Coleman and others would have me out in the street by South Road and over by Liberty Pool just handing out tracks. Then I didn't understand it. I didn't even like it, but now..I can't tell enough people of the gift that God has given to mankind - His Son Jesus. My heart truly goes out to the ones that do not want to hear the gospel. People of God, it's time that we do what Christ instructed us to do; "go ye therefore and teach all nations.." I also want to add that just having church among ourselves within the 4 walls surrounding our great edifices is not enough. Fellowshipping one congregation with another congregation Sunday after Sunday after Sunday is not enough. Being able to shout and speak in tongues and laying on of hands and rolling on the floor Sunday after Sunday after Sunday is not enough. When Christ commissioned us - the Church - to go ye therefore. That should be your first clue that witnessing and handing out tracks shouldn't be just once a month or twice a year, but it should be a daily/weekly duty as a child of God; being led by God and being obedient. To my loving family; The Williams Family, The Jackson Family & The Rogers Family..and the USMC HOOORAH!!! to all of you - I love you dearly. Ok, I have to come back and finish writing this because I'm hungry for Luv Ya, Nece "The Preacher's Wife"_____