I love to go antiquing! I collect Japanese ginger urns! Different but true. I attend church on a regularly, daily if I could. Music fettish, here she is!! Obsessed with the outdoors! Fishing, walking, Running, relaxing, studying up on the scripture, it can all be done outside!
My Papa Ben in heaven! See ya there gramps!!
Really just a little of everything. WoRsHiP
OOOooohhh! I love Forest Gump, Bill Cosby Stand Up, End of the Spear, Italian Job, WAYNE'S WORLD, Ninja Turtle Movies(the original), Step Up, Take the Lead,ANY DANCE MOVIE, Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamond! Most true life stories.
Ha! I only get channel 12! I have no rabbit ears. So I get news and sports! Whew!!!! GO CARDINALS!!!
The Voice of the Martyrs.
Papa Ben! He taught me that all the wrong things can be beaten with a willing heart. He passed away a happy man because he was willing to rid himself of all the wrong things and face it with strength! He gave his heart to JeSuS!