Your True Birth Month Is January
LoyalSocialLogicalEasily jealousLoves childrenRather reservedHighly attentiveLikes to criticizeNeeds close friendsAmbitious and seriousSmart, neat and organizedHardworking and productiveLoves to teach and be taughtQuiet unless excited or tensedSensitive and has deep thoughtsKnows how to make others happySearches for the greatest romanceResistant to illnesses but prone to coldsRomantic but has difficulties expressing loveAlways looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
What's Your True Birth Month?You are very psychic.
You are very likely to feel that you are psychic and many other people around you may have even confirmed this belief. If you're not pursuing classes or learning more about developing your skills, it's only a matter of time before you embark on a new adventure into the realm of the paranormal.
You Passed the US Citizenship Test
Congratulations - you got 8 out of 10 correct!
Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?
so HAHA! i told u i was smart! i just dont like doing homework! its bull! yeah, WOOT! =)