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About Me

The Emergency Medical Technician's Oath
Be it pledged as an Emergency Medical Technician, I will honor the Physical and judicial laws of God and Man. I will follow that regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of patients and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. Nor shall I suggest any such counsel. Into what ever homes I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of only the sick and injured, never revealing what I see or hear in the lives of men unless required by law.I shall also share my medical knowledge with those who may benefit from what I have learned. I will serve unselfishly and continuously in order to help make a better world for all mankind.While I continue to keep this oath inviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life, and the practice of the art, respected by all men. In all times should I trespass or violate this oath, may the reverse by my lot.
...So Help Me God.

DJ, DRUMS, AND BBOYS. what a great mix!!!
What many see as excessiveness, I see as necessity.
What many see as too expensive, I see as priceless.
What many see as twisted sheet metal, I see as a sculpture of experience.
They call it maintenance. I call it caring.
They say, "Why replace a perfectly good part?" I reply, "If it were perfect, it wouldn't need replacing. Besides, there are no perfect parts."
They call it broken. I call it wounded.
They see a scratch. I see a memory.
They'll take the low road. They'll take the high road. I'll take a little of both and a lot of the space between.
Some say I am destroying the earth. I say that I am becoming a part of it.
They look at it. I look at it. I feel it. I taste it, breathe it and wear it in my hair.
When they take away a trail, they take away my air.
They say we are different... I say they are right.
When you come to a fork in the road... Go straight.

Courtesy of Mike: Azusa

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My Pride and Joy...

My Interests

Meet the DIMER FAM-BAM... Big Mac, Monster, Fluffy, Fahfeo, Rhyno, Scrumptious, Hi-top, Titi Head, Lil Foot, Chinky, B.1, B.2, Junebug, Squints, Curls, Dukes, Flops, Sips, Young T, Chops, Smalls, Flipper, Skipper, Leaks, Slam, Chroat, Slim, Big Q, Squirm, Squirt, Cheekz, Big Pen, Lil Rukus, Yaks, Big Spooks, Short Stop, Too Short, Hops, Smiley, Droolz, Low-Top, Drops, Lil Flops, Badunkadunk, Cuts, Half Time, Lucky,Overtime, Hype

I'd like to meet:



.. Bling MySpace Editor

My Blog


"you know nothing comes easy. you gotta try real real hard. i tried hard, but i guess i gotta try harder." -Bone Thugs & Akon   "I Tried" im really fucking up. failed my emt final. i know i...
Posted by JeNg² aka FLUFFY on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

Long Beach

You know you're from LONG BEACH if...You don't give a shit what the signs say, the west side doesn't start until you cross the bridge You can turn to any college football game and see "the homie" on t...
Posted by JeNg² aka FLUFFY on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 07:54:00 PST


Today was like a very exciting day for or somewhat in that nature. First off i went to compton court to deliberate our case. We all had a say so everyone was half and half on guilty and not guilty so ...
Posted by JeNg² aka FLUFFY on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 01:05:00 PST

Jury Duty

im a juror for a criminal case. the defendant has 2 counts, shooting a weapon in the air or within city limits and possession of a weapon by a felon. yeah. very bori...
Posted by JeNg² aka FLUFFY on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 12:23:00 PST