-- streeeek profile picture

-- streeeek

About Me

Caroline F.
D.o.b February 21st 1992 15:54 pm.
Oslo, Norway.
GODDAY ! Pleased to meet you (:
I'm Caroline, as mentioned above. I attend school and church. I truly love Jesus with all of my heart, and I try my best to help other people and pretty much just set a good example. I can tolerate a lot of crap, but I do not respect bullies. If you enjoy hurting other people, don't talk to me, you're not worth my time. Just saying..
I'm generally quite happy and easy to get along with. I'm friends with, well, everyone, so don't be shy! Everyone = everything from alternative kids and 'gangtuhs' to preps. So, give me a holler (: I'll reply !
Now, introduce yourself :)
comments please


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My Blog

Kate (:

Kate is amazing She always.. aw, it's so hard to explain, she's just an amazing girl =]She was the first one to discover that I'm actually a Pokèmon.it's amazing. She discovered it because she was sta...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:21:00 GMT