Hmm about me. I’ve never filled this out before out of my whole 4yrs on here, but hey boredom could make you do almost anything right? ..About me…Well if you first meet me you’ll think I’m Emo/on the Goth side –Which I am- And therefore you would most likely avoid me, And if your Preppy/Wigged out-(I’ve Developed a Stereotype for these Kinds of people-as you do the same. I’m trying hard to Break it, and every now and than I can see past my Views)-I’ll Avoid you too :D But my Point is even though I Dress dark doesn’t mean I really am (well Maybe..a little –does dark thoughts count?) Instead of “killing kids†I’ll Listen to my Bands :D Maybe that’s the only reason why I’m Sane…come to think about it I don’t even think I am Sane. O well. I’ve spent the last year reflecting my life and how it sucks/and how I’ll be alone forever. For the past...what? Year...I’ve found something that I really wanted and cant have it. I’m really starting to hate this feeling, but I try not to show it. When I’m laughing on the outside-on the inside I’m really crying (how Emo is that!) But I cant help but say that since its true. Anywayyyy lets see I’ve covered how I hate preps even though I should not. (still working on it-I’m Trying Hard) How I’m Emo/I love my music/I’ll never find true love…Hmm yea that’s pretty much it. Maybe I went a little to deep (I’ve should have stuck with My favorite Colors and ice cream flavors/How I love movies and taking long walks on the beach.) O wells
And this is the part were I Promote!
AWESOME BANDs!!!! Close To HomeMade Avail!National Product!HEHE!