Apathy. Ambivalence. Passivity. These have become popular explanations for our nation's declining civic health. But are they accurate? Not according to the Millennial Generation, and the many impassioned voices within it who are committed to turning the tide--myself among them.
We came of age at the turn of the 21st century, which in many ways has made us uniquely positioned in today's civic landscape. Early exposure to the Internet and a quick progression from wired to wireless technology have introduced us to a global audience, a world many of us are now eager to explore.
What's more, our technological aptitude, communications savvy, and overall interconnectedness inform the myriad ways we live, work, play, and engage in issues we're passionate about.
The result is a powerful array of communities and causes that operate on a scale many believe is unprecedented. Indeed, as Millennials we are working collaboratively, interactively, and entrepreneurially to effect positive change in our local communities, across the country, and around the world.
For all the excitement around these changes, however, the impact of Millennials' online engagement-- and its offline corollary--have yet to be fully quantified or understood. This begs the question: Can social networks and virtual communities truly revolutionize how we give our time, talent, and treasure?
The Case Foundation sees this paper as a catalyst for conversations that can draw us closer to an answer. The research is not conclusive, but open-ended, providing an opportunity for Millennials to respond and for others to listen. After all, what better way to understand my generation, relate to it, and discover its motivations, than to look within?
That's why in the coming months the Foundation will host a series of discussions--online and off--to capture a unique insight into this generation's passions and ideas, and develop corresponding initiatives. In this way, we hope to enable Millennials and those who believe in their power to showcase new ideas, and ultimately determine how to transform their thinking into meaningful action and lasting solutions.
So it's with great excitement that we kick off this dialogue, and dig deeper into my generation's role in our society and our impact on civic engagement. For the moment, let's forget apathetic, ambivalent, and passive, and instead consider active, energized, and connected--a powerful combination for future success, and one the Case Foundation is committed to supporting.
Kari Dunn Saratovsky
Director, Social Investment
The Case Foundation