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Writing Slow Children at Play began as a suggestion from my good friend Julie, who saw an announcement from Tucker Max for a new writer for TardBlog. I gave it a shot, wrote some samples for Tucker who immediately noticed that the kids I write about are not, in fact, retarded. In his wisdom, he suggested we create a whole new site and SCAP was born.
My goal in writing SCAP is not limited to becoming rich and famous. When I started working at the group home, I began as an idealistic, energetic young man full of hope in improving the lives of these wretched boys. Now, I feel like I've been passed through the asshole end of the social services system. I'm particularly irked at the Administration of the organization I work for. We could do so much more for these boys with a little creativity, a lot more training and support and clear communication. Deep down I secretly wish that my employers are reading SCAP with embarassment and humiliation.
I am not now, nor have I ever been, Tucker Max.
You're probably wondering what my favorite site on the net is. Well, it's MULLETS GALORE