-NunuPapa- profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

In one word i would describe myself as VIVACIOUS!!! Im fun-loving and usually bursting with energy. I love being around people who make me laugh and are totally real...meaning NO BULLSHIT! Im quite out spoken and enjoy intellectual coversation. Sometimes i may come across as really serious but actually im quite playful at heart. Im passionate about the things i do and never do i take up a challenge without giving it my all. I really care about people and would go to the ends of the earth for my friends. I love meeting new people and im usually pretty approachable. Cute Boys are definitely my weakness and im quite a flirt hehe. I love heating up the dance floor coz im crazy about dancing. Hehe I can be quite a drama queen which i think my Fam & Friends know vewi well, u know us leo's love da lime-light baby! Explore my page & get to know ME a lil better...Mwahzie
Get more at spaceboos.comI got my layout and myspace codes at Kawaiispace.com , you should too.

My Interests

Lumidee -She's Like The Wind
Music Codes Provided BySomeCodes.com


Um...where do i start? Shaking wat my mama gave me...which is quite a bit lol! Travelling and meeting new people are things i always enjoy doing. I love goin to the beach jus to watch the sunset and think about all the amazing and crazy things happening in my life! I love making people smile...that jus makes life so much more worth living!

I'd like to meet:

Any fun-loving, kind hearted people who are totally real. Anyone who is up for a good time!
Make your own scroller at kawaiispace.com!


Anything goes but im really into my hip hop and rave
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Im a die hard thriller addict but enjoy anything that keeps me entertained. Love cute chick flicks like 50 1st dates, Hitch, Click & Coach Carter was inspiring. Best thriller ive seen was Saw 1 what a legendary movie, seven was pretty impressive too. Shawshank Redemption & the Green Mile, amazing movies. I could go on and on coz im a movie addict!
More graphics at LayoutJungle.com


aaaahh Heroes is da best show EVER! Oooh Not forgettin the OC, Nip Tuck, Desperate Housewives and of course Oprah, i mean who doesnt love her!


More graphics at LayoutJungle.com


Straight Up: Real Questions by jrboricua
The No Bullshit Basics
What's your real hair color?: Dark Brown
How often do you shower?: Twice a day...Most of da time
How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before you wash them?: lol...4 maybe?
Got any tattoos?: Haha I wish
How about piercings?: 4 - Ears & 1 Nose Ring
Do/did your parents know about them?: Yeah
Do you have a real job? If so, is it legit?: Nope, still in high school
Did you graduate from high school?: Not Yet
How often do you brush your teeth?: Once a day...hehe
How tall are you really?: eish...1.53m since i was 11!!!
Do you live at home?: Yeah
Have You Ever Actually...
given someone a lap dance?: Lol...um
kissed someone deeply?: Hell yes!
stolen something after the age of six?: Haha yeah, stickers from Hypermarket
literally cried yourself to sleep?: Sniff sniff...yes
broken someone else's heart?: :( yeah
hit someone first?: eish sadly yes
had a meaningful relationship?: Yes
been knocked unconscious?: Nope dats hectic
embarrased yourself in front of a lot of people?: Lol many times
Your Current...
mood?: Bored i guess
outfit?: haha look like a Hobo
weather outside?: Sunny but cold
perspective on life?: Freedom is all i want now
Time for Relationships...
Are you in a relationship?: Hmmm...i dont know anymore
Is it love, or is it still "like"?: Confused love
Are you a sloppy kisser: Lol i hope not!!!
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Myspace Graphics
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Nelvia
Age: 17
Month of birth: August
Any Siblings?: Two Brothers
Parents still married?: Um...
Occupation: Big time JOLLER!
Do you like your job?: Hell yes!!!
Any pets?: 3 doggies
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Shoe size: haha 6
Any Tattoos?: Nope
Any Piercings?: Yeah...5
Current mood: Relaxed
Current wardobe choice: haha no comment
What are you listening to?: Ditto - Cassie
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My Bro
What do you currently smell like?: My lotion
Movie you watched: Pirates of the Carribean
Magazine you looked at: um...dont remember
Thing you ate: Carrot Pickle lol
Book you read: Memoirs of a Geisha
T.v. show you watched: Strictly Come Dancing hehe
Time you cried: Yesterday
Took a shower: Earlier on today
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): OMG when i was 8
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Gosh...12th May
CD you bought: Lol...Brenda Fassie, it was a school project ok!
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Someone complimented me
Your most prized possession: My cellphone, GHD & BoysIIMen Cd
Your first vehicle: Mini Cooper BABY!!!
Your current vehicle: Eish toyota
Your favorite quote: Read my heading
You bedtime (on average): 10:30pm
Your best trait/characteristic: My dimples/smile
Your worst trait/characteristic: Arms
Do You....
Store things under your bed: Nope
Daydream: Yeah always
Have a computer at home: Yep
Live in the city, suburbs or country: Suburbs
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: Home
Own a cell phone: Dur...cant live without it
Have a good luck charm: Hmmm...nope
Collect anything: Candles, CDs
Attend high school or college: High School
Make good grades: Yeah :)
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Nah ah
Had teeth pulled?: Eish no thank goodness
Broke the law intentionally: Haha nope
Ran away from home?: Thought of it but no
Broke a bone?: Not dat i know of
Cheated on a test/exam: haha in primary school tables tests
Had a friend pass away: Yes
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Nope...dont hav a license yet
Been in an auto accident: Yes
Lied to someone: Many times sadly
Been lied to: Ha countless times
Your Favorite....
Place to be: India or in Deshans arms
Place to visit: Anywhere amazing in the world
Place to chill: News Cafe
Non-Alcoholic drink: Chocochino
Alcoholic drink: Tequilla...grrr
Type of food: Chocolate
Meal/Food dish: Prawn curry & roti
Dessert: Chocolate Brownie
Shampoo & Conditioner: what?
Toothpaste: Huh?
Salad dressing: eish like my salad fresh
Ice cream: Mmmmm Magnum
Fast food establishment: Macdonalds
Color: Pink
Season: Spring
Holiday: When i went to India & USA with my mummy
Perfume/Cologne: Antonio Banderas - Spirit 4 women
Video Game: NFS
T.V. show: Heroes & The OC
Smells: Vanilla
Article of clothing: My YDE tops
Book: Dunno
Children's Book: Bedtime stories
Candy: Wine Gums
Car: Mini Cooper
Do You Believe....
In Karma: Yes totally
In God: Yes
In Heaven & Hell: um...nope
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): lol um?
That ghosts exist: yeah, shit its scary
In horoscopes: yes, they're accurate
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): yes...always
In yourself: YES im driven
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Sometimes people deserve to die, but who are we as humans to jugde when and how dat should be?
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: We dont do dat!
On homosexuals in the military: Gay, straight wtf does it matter. They are da true heroes putting their lives on the line to protect us.
The war in the Middle East: Its unbelievable how selfish man can be, there are people starving in the world but we still continue to throw money down the drain, for what? War. People fail to notice dat innocent lives are being taken
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Lol i think he is pretty cool, like his accent. If he does his job who cares wat his history was! Terminator RULES tho!
Current gas/fuel prices: Exploitation of da people while da fat cats get fatter. grrrrr
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