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Assalamualaikum!! Thank coz sudi view my page yg tak brape nak cantik ni..its ok janji puas hati..simple but nice..same like me :)
Actually tengah dok cari idea ni,taktau nak tulis pe...tp letak banyak2 pun korang bukan nak baca...buat penat je cari idea...huhu..nak kenal boleh je..BUT PLEASE..jangan add pastu senyap...i really hate that type of people..nobody perfect in this world so just be ur self..pape pun yang baik tu datangnya daripada ALLAH S.W.T..dan yang buruk tu datangnya daripada kesilapan diri sendiri...
About Akmal Arista
Sex : Male
Home : Sg Buloh, Selangor
D.O.B : 2nd March 84
P.O.B : Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Horoscop : Pisces
Year : Rat
Occupation: Customer Service (Hotel)
Interests : Home Decoration & Gardening
Music : Any
Movie : Horror
Food : Janji Halal + Sedap
Drink : Soya Bean
Pets : Bunny,Sunny and Brown (my rabbit..hehe) + Hamster's
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