I'm into football, you can even call me a fanatic! (",) And Formula 1. (God, I really like fast cars!! Imagining the combination of the will power of a man and the fast-moving machines, it makes you sweat in your seat! =P I'm not sure what else interests me, but so far, these two seem to be the only interests that make me, me. =)
I'd like to meet:
Ahaaa...aku nak cari member yg sporting maut...ala..jgn la skema sgt kan...kalo skema pon x per la..janji rock!...x kira sesaper pon... aku terima dgn hati yg terbuke... (setiap manusia ade best dan tak best nye, sape aku utk judge kelayakkan seseorang utk dibuat kawan, kan? selagi niat bersahabat tu ikhlas dan bukan ade maksud tersirat, InsyaAllah, takkan terpesong persahabatan yang terbina itu...) ermm...but...i would really like 2 meet someone...special... (rase macam dah jumpe, tapi, biarlah itu menjadi rahsia hati aku je... -Hm, poyonye ayat ni...! =P) ahaks...adehh...anyway la kan...aku kalo leh nak jumpe someone yg lain dr yg lain...haa..meaning...dia tu org yg pelik...suke wat bende yg pelik²makan mende pelik, tapi tak perlu la haram..., minat yg pelik, sikap yang pelik, berkawan dgn cara pelik, buat ape pun pelik-pelik!! ...sbb bagi aku kalo wat bende pelik-pelik ni, idop x boring..rite?? yeah-yeah!! ...hope leh jumpe la...adios!
I'm into all kinds of music. Rock, maybe, but not the kinds that rocks your insides (muntah kang!) ..ahaha! (Rock KAPAK pun buleh lah, selagi tak buruk melampau, aku layan je...) Hm, it depends, actually, on the sounds. I'm into music that heals my soul, it doesn't have to be slow, or fast...as long as it makes me appreaciate it as music and nothing weird, I'll like it! =)
Hey, I'm a guy, and I'm into action movies. By far, Predator (both movies) has been my favourite, you can call it an 'all time favourite', if you want. Terminator seems to be cool enough, AVP also rocks. (Technology + super strength + ugliness = PREDATOR! -Yeah, yeah!!) Oh swell, just remembered, Star Wars should be one of the top favourites! -Sape kenal Skywalker webnet, channel 1985? Ring a bell?? (Those are cool, you HAVE to admit it!) ^^; Aha, recently, I just got myself tangled with Harry Potter! -Fuh, tibe-tibe je terminat kat cite kanak-kanak ni! Tapi, memang BEST la... (This is all your fault, you-know-who! If it wasn't you, you-know-who, I won't be ringing my walking Harry Potter Lexicon every night for information!) Hm, I'll add some more later... ^^;
I kinda like Smallville, dunno why.. but it's definitely NOT because of the hero..OK? (I'm straight...) The series just seem so...addictive, yeah, dats the word! ^^; And ah..I'm an animal lover, and a nature lover, too. (Why am I admitting this!?) So I kinda like National Geographic Channel (-Probably cuz they got sumthing else that is NOT so nature, sumtimes...), yeah.. Oh! Sports Channel, too! -GOAL!!! =P(I'm into sports..though I don't really do those things 'they' do..)
No specific favourite. (",) I read almost anything within reach... ^^; Ah, I'm starting the Harry Potter series, now, assisted by none other that my sweet lil' Hanna J. Potter in my development. =P I think I can go far. ^^;
Me, Myself and I.