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div style="width:300px;_height:250px; min-height:250px; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;" True Juggalo Quiz
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Quizilla | JoinMake A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Codethis is the shitJuggalos are society's underdogs poor ghetto freaks eating ramen noodles drinking faygo cola and sporting pro wing shoes made fun of in school never accepted by anyone tossed out by the world that didn't want them these group of outcasts brought together by the music and real life messages of the insane clown posse are followers of the dark carnival and scapegoats of the world being a juggalo isn't about being a "fan" of icp J and shaggs are juggalos themselves being a juggalo is about individuality no one is ever fully accepted in this world and juggalos just don't give a fuck so we sling our faygo, jam to the wicked shit, and wave our middle fingers to the legions of hypocrites, haters, and rich ass bitches trying to bring us down everyone in this world is so quick to judge the close minded percentage of the population hears the "cuss words" in icp's music and automatically labels them "satanic" or "trash" but icp's music is laden with messages you bitches never stop to hear the "bad language" just weeds out the listeners that could never be juggalos anyways juggalos are opposed to bigotry and domestic violence we see the world from a much different angle and we have the ability to look past petty stereo-types and prejudices juggalos come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and races and still we are not like you we look different, we talk different, and we act different we have no need to impress you put on your fake smile and your fancy suit you go to work and lick ur boss' ass crack and make small talk with your "friends" and talk shit about them in the same breath and u go home to ur wife and kids and u kiss them with the lips u been sucking on ur assistant's tits with and u continue to live in ur utterly corrupted fake world juggalos live in the real world we say what we mean and we mean what we say we don't front for anyone and u will never change us but of course to fully understand what a juggalo is u must truly be one...style type="text/css" .contactTable {width:300px!important; height:150px!important; padding:0px!important; background-image:url("http://www.myspacesources.com/images/c ontact-tables/Skulls/2302.gif"); background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:transparent;} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td {padding:0px !important; border:0px; background-color:transparent; background-image:none;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px!important;} .contactTable a {display:block; height:28px; width:115px;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px!important;} .contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none!important;}http://www.spacerize.com/uploads/ima ges/2006-11-08/0tayv8qkYT.jpg

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Survey About Me by lala_88
Full Name: jason
Nickname: axe
Date of birth: 5 20 87
Place of birth: pourt huron
Current location: marysville
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: black
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: nope
Are you right or left handed?: right
Do you have any siblings?: sisster
Do you live with your parents?: yes
Movie?: no idea
TV show?: wwe
Singer/Band?: icp
Song?: we dont die
Actor/Actress?: adam sandlar
Food?: pizza
Number?: 420
Cartoon character?: bugs bunny
Colour?: black
Sport?: basketball
Quote?: lets smoke weed
Memory?: smoking with my familey
Place to relax?: room
Hero?: shaggy 2 dope
Drink?: faygo
Music or TV?: music
Guys or girls?: girls
Green or blue?: blue
Pink or purple?: fuck um both
Summer or winter?: summer
Night or day?: night
Dopey or funny?: funny
Diamond or pearl?: nether
Sunset or sunrise?: sunset
Funny or scary movies?: scary
On the phone or in person?: peron
Hugs or kisses?: depends
Rich or famous?: rich
McDonalds or KFC?: like um both
Single or group dates?: single
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Cappaccino or coffee?:
Who is the nicest person you know?: dont know that many nice ppl
Who is the funniest person you know?: mel
Who is the loudest person you know?: nick
Who is the weirdest person you know?: brian
Who is the hottest person you know?: manny
Who is the all-around person you know?: every one
Who are the four people you are most open with?: biran katie mel manny
Are you/have you ever been in love?: yes
If so, what was/is so special about them?:
Do you think it is right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: fun flirt yes
How far would you go on a first date?: very
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: dont give a fuck
Describe the type of person you would want to spend the rest of your life with: idk
When was the last time you talked to the person you like?: yesterday
What are the qualities you find most attractive in the opposite sex?: juggalette nice
What is the song you are listening to right now?: we dont die
What is the next CD you are going to get?: um its going to be icp thats all i know
Which song reflects you the most?: homies
If you were on Australian Idol, which song would you pick to sing and why?:
If you had your own band, what name would you give it?: no idea
Met Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: yes
Danced in a public place?: no
Smiled for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried and/or peed your pants?: no
Written a song?: yes
Made out in a movie theatre?: hell yea who hasnet
Lied when someone asked you "Do I look ok in this?": yes
Lied to make someone happy?: yes
Threatened someone?: fuck yea
Been threatened by someone?: yup o well
I am...: a juggalo
My heart is...: dead
If I were a...:
I wish...: weed was leagal
So many people don't know that...:
If I could be anyone I would be...: shaggy 2 dope
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be...: it would be that every one was down with the clown
Control weather or read minds?: read mindes
Be good or evil?: evil
Be invisible or have super speed?: invisible
Have super strength or flight?: strenth
What was the last thing you cried about?: dont know
Are you happy?: kind of
What is something you can't live without?: frindes
When was the last time you were depressed?: when i lost my cat
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: fuck no
Are you an alcoholic?: nope
Do you have any piercings?: nope
What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 6827
What is your weakness?: idk
What is your greatest fear?: having no familey
What makes you happy?: familey
What would be your perfect pizza?: idk
What was the best advice given to you?: saying fuck life
Have you got any special awards?: nope
What are your future goals?: being in a band with my familey
Do you have any enemies?: tons
What are the three words you would use to describe yourself?: juggalo gothic
Describe your perfect life: i got it
If you had three wishes, what would they be?: weed was leagal i had unlimited money
What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?: hanging out with the familey
What is your most embarrassing moment?:
What is your most overused phrase on MSN?: i dont got it
What is your best physical feature?: arms
What is your most missed memory?:
Do you smoke?: fuck yea
Do you sing?: i rap
Do you swear?: fuck yea it obviuos
Have you ever been drunk?: yes
How would you want to die?: dont give a fuck
What do you want to be when you grow up?: in a band
What is your biggest regret?:
Are you shy?: no
Are you selfish?: no
Are you spoiled?: fuck no
Would you walk by an old lady carrying groceries?: yes
Do you get into arguments with people other than your siblings?: fuck yea
Do you believe in magic?: yea
Have you ever skipped classes?: i use to all the time before i got expelled
Was highschool your best or worst years?: both
What was the reason(s) for that?:
What was the last thing you ate?: pizza
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?: weed and gas
Where would you go if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world?: la
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?: yes
What do you have handy at your bedside?: a gun a hatchet
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you have with you?: a girl and a hatchet and some weed and faygo
What is the most annoying TV commercial to you?: all of them
What do you think about before you go to bed?: familey
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wud up los and lettes

my name is axe come check my profile if ya want
Posted by AXE on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 06:58:00 PST