Football and cricket, sport in general, talking to people about most things, walking, wandering around, home or abroad, meeting new people here that are different to what I've known before, being miserable and cynical, or miserable because I'm cynical, dreaming pipely about being Prime Minister in a truly Socialist Britain, reading Amanda Prasow's blog, Portland United Football Club, playing music channel roulette
Bruce Campbell, to compare chins. And to thank him. Just for being there.
Anything with good lyrics and a nice tune. No RnB.
Heat, LA Confidential, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, Animal House, Indiana Jones, Battle Royale (for Norks), Dr Stangelove, American Graffiti
Scrubs, Simpsons, Neighbours except that I despise Lyn Scully. Saved By The Bell due to TBS ensuring another wasted trip to the US. Porridge, any football or cricket, When Good Pets Go Bad.
A Streetcar Named Desire, Treasure Island, Jude the Obscure, American Psycho, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,
Gary Lineker, anybody who sacks or sues Iain Dowie