ermm...the usual stuff i guess..dancing, singing, sketching,reading loads of novels, sleeping, gossiping, and looking after my kelabu!!!
Avril Lavigne!!!!ahahaha.... oh yeah and me darling!!
Avril Lavigne, Aly and A.J,, Younha, Yui, BoA, FLOW, Orange Range,Fall Out Boy, Secondhand Serenade, BFS NFG, SP, .............(the list goes on and on)
Harry Potters, TLOTR Trilogy, Pirates (1,2,3), Shrek (1,2,3), Nanny Mcphee, Hot Chicks, Blades of Glory, Spiderman 3, Monster Inc.. (well this list also goes on and on) i don't think will actually care about my fav movies hahaha
loads of TV series, G,Anatomy,Ghost Whisperer, Charmed (I know old already), America's Next Top Model, House, all c.s.i and etc etc etc etc etc etc oh yeah!! SPONGEBOB!!!
Harry Potter (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), TLOTR (1,2,3), The hobbit, all Meg cabot's, Shopaholic series, all from Louis Bagshaw, Judith McNight.......(i kinda read anything that i think interesting with nice titles and book covers) --- well they say don't judge a bookk by its cover but I do (can't help it)
Spongebob Squarepants (no doubt about that one haha)