About Me
Sexy, Smart, Sophistacated, and short.In More detail, I'm a Georgia Peach. Raised in Atl, been living in Maryland area for quite some time now going to school. To be honest, You'll never know someone like me. And so far I've only met one other person close to my personality, swagga and style, but fortunately it was a male. The world should never have, and probably couldn't handle two women out here, just like me.I'm 21, not single, working, and going to school. I like to do alot of things: Sleep, read, write, drink,sleep, ice skate, play cards, watch movies, aggravate my mom & Tai, sleep, drink, chill, laser tag, golf (or attemt), swim, drink, sleep, go to plays & resturants, shop (only when I got it, I'm not addicted), play pranks on those I love, sleep and drink and alot of other stuff.I have a handsome baby boy age 2. He's the reason i get up every morning (literally & figuratively). He's the alarm clock. Ameir aka Block is one of the coolest kids ever. He's smart, sneaky, funny and real chill and for some reasons my friends like him better than me. I ain't trippin, just mean I got a lot of sitters.I guess I've told you enough about me, any questions comments or concerns hit me up...