I love music, making CDs and listening I love cooking
I love making people laugh even if I have to make up some of the stories as long as everybody laugh.
I love playing Table Tennis with my son
Table Tennis
Amazingly realistic table tennis game!
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Terence trent D'arby, Shakira, Nelly Furtado , Billy Joel, Beyonce, The Beatles, Neil Young, Madonna, Queen, UB 40, Midnight Oil
Terminator, Saving Private Ryan, The house of the spirits, Titanic, The notebook,
The house of the spirits, Paula,Da Vince Code, My invented country.
My parents, Martin Luther King, Mohamed Ali, Nelson Mandela, Arturo Prat, Che Guevara, JesusChrist