Il Mazzett profile picture

Il Mazzett

Rapid Fire Shooter - Immer am rechts

About Me

I'm attending the University - Università degli studi dell'Insubria (after the first year in LIUC) - ..I listen to metal but I like other types of music (Masini the best!).. I am in the sport section of Italian Army because of my sport: shooting! I'm also in the italian national team and I hope to take part to Olympic games in Bejing 2008. what else..I like meet friends and drink something with them and play with Guitar Hero II and Call Of Duty 3 in Debas' house! XD

My MSN contact:



My Interests

Music, shooting, eat and drink

I'd like to meet:

_colui che tutti chiamano dio, visto che nessuno lo ha mai visto per provarne l'esistenza _Bush _tutti i componenti degli Helloween + Kai Hansen

Myspace Layouts by


Helloween, Michael Kiske, Blues Brothers, Iron Maiden, Gamma Ray, Rammstein, Metallica, Stratovarius, Johnny Cash, Beatles, Jolly Good Meal, Slipknot, Children of Bodom, Mudvayne, Slayer, Rhapsody of Fire, Manowar, Beatles, Masini, Cradle of Filth, Static-X, Blind Guardian, Skid Row, AC/DC, Testament, Pantera, Onkel Tom, Judas Priest, Gli Atroci, Elio e le storie tese


horror, action, fantasy: Lord of the Rings, Predator, Terminator, Jurassic Park and so on..


Griffin, Simpson, Invasion, Jag, Dragon Ball


Regno Lombardo - Veneto


Kai Hansen, Di Donna, Adolf, Berlusca