F-ing fireworks |
Ok I'm as patriotic as the next guy but COME ON! Do ya have to set them off in front of my 4 month old daughters bedroom for 2 hours (till after 10pm)? Yes they all know we have a newborn and no one b... Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 08:12:00 GMT |
Brickhouse |
Oh my!...I'm soooo tired. We went to the Brickhouse tonight for the first time. Had a blast!!!! This was the first (definately not the last) drag show Mike and I have been to. I highly recommend going... Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 00:18:00 GMT |
earthquake |
So did you all feel the earth move this morning at 4:35 am (approx.)? I was awake...trouble sleeping all the time and I was reading in bed with my ear plugs in and my little booklight on when I felt t... Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:24:00 GMT |
thunder |
oooooh yeah! I do love a good thunder storm...makes me feel all snug and safe in my house....I really should turn off the computer but ....I’m a little stupid like that. Well tomorrow I get anot... Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:34:00 GMT |
certification |
Oh my gosh....I hate computers..I hate the internet....yet here I am whining about it all.....ON THE COMPUTER!!! I waited till the last minute to recertifiy myself on the pharmacy recertification web ... Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:09:00 GMT |
music |
It’s amazing how music can totally change your mood....I was in such a "funk" and had to actually force myself out of bed....by the time I slunk into the shower and turned on the radio...I thoug... Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:16:00 GMT |
disappointed |
I can’t believe how moody the drugs make me....I mean I’m moody enough as it is...add fertility drugs on top of that and whooooaaaa neeeeellllly....look out I’ll cry at anything....I... Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:59:00 GMT |
river |
My Hubby and I went for a walk by the river on Sunday. It was a glorious day and we needed the exercise. We went and got a couple of chai lattes and started walking. I couldn't... Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 21:40:00 GMT |
ghosts |
So has anyone seen a ghost? I don't mean on T.V. or in a movie. I mean alone or with someone else in REAL life . I've been to many supposed haunted places in my life and I've only had a miniscule (sp)... Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:57:00 GMT |
dreams |
Have you ever had dreams that are so vivid that you question if you're really awake or still asleep? Of course you have....haven't we all.....I have been dreaming so vividly lately that I crave sleep.... Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 12:41:00 GMT |