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Who is Ron Paul? And Why Is He Trying To Save My Country?

About Me

My home is right outside St. Louis... no I don't drive a tractor. I work at an elementary school in Arnold. I work with a the most hilarious kinder gardeners and first graders! It sounds like I'll be in Grafton a lot this summer. I'm already getting burnt head to toe! Between work and the boat and the bars it should be a good summer! I love the Rotten Apple and the Loading Dock... sometimes I have the need to visit Sengers tho lol. jk

You know who I am. Jokester by practice, sarcasm is my vice. Working with kids at the moment while I self-educate myself in some areas and working on my portfolio.I love meeting new people... but totally shy kills me... I want to converse, not interrogate... and tell me you read books for heaven's sake.

My Interests

Girls, Soccer, Drums, Seinfeld, Running, Budweiser, Scotch, Philosophy, Politics

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone and everyone. Bonus if you like Seinfeld or Oasis.... Ron Paul and anyone who likes Bob Lind, Spoon, or any other awesome bands (based on my ear not yours lawl)


Oasis, Jet, The Thrills, The Verve, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Coldplay, Doves, Paloalto, AC/DC, Van Halen, Def Leppard, The Beatles, The Who, The Doors, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Sam Roberts, Bob Marley, Cast, Crosby-Stills-Nash and Young, Neil Young, David Bowie, Elliot Smith, Paul Weller, Bob Dylan, John Mayer, Pearl Jam, Stereophonics, The Hives, Soundtrack of Our Lives, Billy Joel, Bob Segar, Boston, Chicago, Doobie Bros, Eagles, Fatboy Slim, Goo Goo Dolls, Motley Crue, Richard Ashcroft, Rolling Stones, Ryan Adams, Sigur Ros, The Strokes, Stone Temple Pilots, I am Kloot, Yes, The Coral, The Zutons, Kasabian, Modest Mouse, Spiritualized, The Vines, Tim Buckley


Saving Silverman, Saving Private Ryan, Star Wars, Matrix, Donnie Darko, Indiana Jones, What About Bob, American Beauty, Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, The Royal Tenenbaums, UHF, Kung Pow, 300, Casino Royale, Casablanca, Bringing Up Baby, Total Recall, Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, The Village, Lady In The Water,


Seinfeld, Friends, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Batman The Animated Series, Tale Spin, Duck Tails, Wings, Renegade, Robot Chicken, America's Funniest Home Videos, History Channel, C-Span


Michael Crichton, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown, Michael Connely, Robert Heinlein, Chuck Palahniuk


Noel Gallagher, Liam Gallagher, Eddie Van Halen, Jerry Seinfeld, Shakira, Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis, Ronald Reagan, Ron Paul, anyone on this site: http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/moh1.htm

My Blog

Sometimes I just fucking love MySpace...

You know... in comparison to Facebook... Myspace falls flat in a lot of areas... but I have to hand it to whoever was working on the bulletin system at Myspace... they got something right... and they ...
Posted by Tyler on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:49:00 PST

No F'ing Wonder Ron Polls Low

http://www.reason.com/blog/show/120691.htmlI was surprised that Ron Paul didn't even pull 1 percent in the latest L.A. Times/Bloomberg poll of prosepctive GOP primary voters.  Then I saw the que...
Posted by Tyler on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:54:00 PST

The Ron Paul Meetup

So yesterday I went to the first St. Louis Ron Paul Meetup. It was pretty interesting. I wasn't sure what to expect because prior to it I was the only one I knew, personally, that was interested in Pa...
Posted by Tyler on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:54:00 PST

Ron Paul and Polling!

Since the third GOP debate even the most hesitant media has at least had to acknowledge Ron Paul. Articles and reports since Tuesday range hostile to sympathetic, the rest (composed mostly of bloggers...
Posted by Tyler on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 04:00:00 PST

Ron Paul and his haters

Every once in a while during my odd obsession of scouring the net for Ron Paul news, links, and video I find the debunked but ugly head of Ron Paul haters and their allegations of racism. The thing th...
Posted by Tyler on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:33:00 PST

What if Ron Paul is indeed marginalized?

This is scaring me to death because Fox News is trying so damn hard to limit his impact, even if they are failing at it in amazing ways. I don't see how they can keep him from the next debate, after w...
Posted by Tyler on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:24:00 PST

Skol Vodka Commercial

I have a 2 minute video assignment for my Video class. So I tossed around a bunch of ideas but I think I got the winning one! I'm going to make a commercial for Skol Vodka. Its going to be simply a bu...
Posted by Tyler on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:49:00 PST

im going to be a better myspace friend

I've kind of figured out my apathetic existence on MySpace is counterproductive to my want to meeting people! My hypocrisy is rampant in this area. I don't know why, I'd get an actual nice and intrigu...
Posted by Tyler on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:34:00 PST

fever bad, reading good...

Well, I came down with a cold the same night I got Michael Chrichton's State of Fear. It isn't too ironic that I finished it last night, in 72 hours, kind of sad I guess. Despite 685 pages, I really e...
Posted by Tyler on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:07:00 PST


So I just got home from my friend Kevin's. Supposedly he, he alone, is concnerned about me, I drink on the weekends and supposedly thats bad news. I got a lil smashed last night, but for good reason, ...
Posted by Tyler on Sun, 07 May 2006 01:21:00 PST