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This is a complaint against the District Attorneys Office Superior Court Of California County Of San Diego, 325 South Melrose Drive, Vista Ca. North County Division.
s out lined by the United States Attorney Generals Manual and the Senate Ethics Manual Appendix "C"; Rule 2 Procedures for Complaints, Allegations, or Information: Source of Complaint, Allegation, or Information; The allegations and information to be reported to the committee or the Attorney Generals office, may be obtained from a variety of sources, including but not limited to the following; A sworn complaint, defined as a written statement of facts, submitted under penalty of perjury, and information reported by the news media. Therefore this web site falls within the legal standards, to file a complaint, to the Senate, the House of Representatives the U.S. Attorney Generals office and the Governor of California. I THERE FOR USE THIS WEB PAGE, TO FILE AN IMMIGRATION COMPLAINT AGAINST THE VISTA DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE, IN SAN DIEGO'S NORTH COUNTY COURTS. I do make all these myspace friends witness, to this action.
Ricardo Juarez(RICO is my legal pro fighters name) , Submit this complaint fully understanding the penalty for perjury, and do affirm the information and facts in this complaint, to be correct and true so help me God. I do acknowledge the only true God (John17:3) is the HOLY FATHER (John17:11), and the Father is greater then the Son (John14:28). I do not acknowledge the interlaced vowel marks of Adonai, Elohim, Hashem, Elokim to the Tetragrammaton YHWH/YHVH as the distinctive personal name of the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, nor any divine name of Almighty God the Holy Father. ............................................................
On file with the San Diego Grand Jury is a complaint, against the District Attorneys office North County Division, for the violation of Federal Immigration Laws complaint file#2000/01-001. The violations occurred when illegal aliens in custody, at the Vista County jail appeared in court in due process, then they were deported, just to smuggle back into the United States. The illegal aliens then went back to the Vista County courts, there they were placed on court calender, to reappear before the judges in due process of the law. In court the Judges would recall bench warrants, reinstate them back to the arrangements to the plea, or continue with the case in due process. They were mandated to attend Domestic violence/anger management classes, Drug classes, Community service, Cal-Trans a work program, or placed on supervised probation. They were given future court dates for a case review, appearing before the judges with progress reports from classes, or with probation officers report giving his recommendations. Court services monitored attendance, reporting back to judges absentees for the issuing of bench warrants.
.........................................................In the summer of 1998, I was detained by immigration and held in the basement of the San Diego Federal building, in what Micheal Jackson called a jail bathroom (holing cell) for two weeks. I began to keep details of names, addresses, contacts and other bits of information given to me, by writing on the pages of a bible. Later transported to an immigration detention facility in El Centro, arriving the compound was on high alert, due to a pending hunger strike set for July 4th. During the strike I was approached by an immigration agent his name was Deleon, by now the hunger strike had worked its way past the first day. As we talked, he explained what the local media was saying, about the hunger strike violence, bad conditions within the facility and mistreatment of detainees. He asked, if I could speak to the local news, and give a true account of the situation within the facility, I agreed to do so. He later gave me a list of phone numbers, of the local news and television news stations. Calling the television news stations collect, charges were accepted by Salvador Duran of Telemundo, he immediately responded "what can we do". Speaking to him, I began to explain about the violence that had taken place, and still was taking place, not by the immigration agents on detainees, but by the hunger strike detainees, on any detainee going to chow. The previous hunger strike had ran its course, of violence with injuries to the staff and damages to the facility. In the days that followed, I continued to stay in contact with Salvador, I did also placed some detainees on the phone singing songs, so his studio could record them. Soon after my release, the information I did obtain while in immigration detention from this facility, began to surface as headlines on the news. The massacre of an entire family, a mass grave near the U.S.-Mexican border, as the information kept making headlines(border tunnels) an immigration complaint was file with San Diego Grand Jury.
........................................................ .....I sent this immigration complaint to the office, of President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno, along with the correspondence of a San Diego Grand Jury complaint file #2000/01-001. No response from either office, immigration complaint and Grand Jury correspondence was sent, to the office of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, later to then The First Lady/Senator Hillary Clinton. The San Diego Federal Grand Jury was also contacted, Ms. Barbara Townsend on staff at that office, stated that the Federal Grand Jury could not take a direct complaint from the public. She went on to say, only if received from an out side agency such as the F.B.I. and did not accept the complaint. An appointment was made with Special Agent Gerald Brown, meeting him at the F.B.I. field office in Carlsbad. ............................................................
................................................ The persons named in this complaint have failed to conduct a proper investigation, their conduct falls below the legal standers established, to protect others against unreasonable risk of harm. They failed in the exchange of operational information, especially regarding actions or movements, of terrorist person or networks. PLEASE CLICK AT TOP OF PAGE, HELP RICO GET A PARDON, ON VIEW MORE.