ANTI-PETA profile picture


We hate PETA!!!!!

About Me

Peta is the stupidest organization on planet earth. We here are saying no to there stupid cause. God put animals on this earth for our food.P.E.T.A. (People For the Ethical Treatment Of Animals) has been around a while making life miserable for most decent folks with their hyped up, false stories of how we need to treat animals as equals and grant them rights that only we, as humans, should enjoy.These assumptions are false and most of the claims they use to further their cause are not founded in reality but in some some vegan induced fog of silliness.This site is not intended to blast P.E.T.A. (everyone is entitled to their own opinion) but rather to tell folks the real story and hopefully stop them from joining an organization or way of life that may be harmful to themselves or others.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

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My Interests

Meat and Peta hating

I'd like to meet:

All PETA members so we can hit them in the face for being so stupid!
Make your own Banner Here!


We know that a lot of the bands on here are for PETA but we are just tryig to attract there fans...


Cooking shows using meat. KFC = Keep frying chicken!


Butchers, Slauterhouse workers, Chefs, and other people who love meat! Our friends are,, and all other people who suppert us!