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About Me

Sabaoth were formed in Asuncion, Paraguay, in the end of 1992, with Norrack (drums) and Zethyaz (guitar). A little later, Zethineph joined in to handle vocals and keyboards. They released two demos "Dentro del Culto" (1993) and "Southern Twilight" (1994), with helped to establish their personality, based around an imaginative black metal. The second tape enjoyed a vast distribution worlwide and received excellent reviews.
Such auspicious recording led contract with the Argentina based label Stormsouls, and in November 1995 they recorded the self titled debut CD. Slightly influences from gothic wave and atmospheric passages around the intense black metal core, were the reasons why countless magazines around the world praised "Sabaoth" as one of the masterpieces of the south American gothic/black metal scene.
In May ..96 Sabaoth played in a festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as second band just before the legend Sarcofago. Again, the band received excellent reviews, by both press and audience.
While they started to prepare new song, through the new label Icarus it was released "Shield of Leaves", the debut CD of Eyesight, solo project of Zethyaz, which is constructed around acoustic song, with Zethyaz playing all instruments and singing.
After some line-up changes (Zethineph left temporally the band), the rest decided to continue as a duo, and in 1999 Sabaoth started the recording sessions of the second album.
Free from any styles restriction, "Windjourney" is a melt of gothic and pop-oriented melodies, yet with that black metal vibe. This shows the maturity of both musicians Zethyas (in change of the vocals in this opportunity), and The N (Norrack) playing also Keyboards. Together they have created "Windjourney" as a stimulating journey within the imagination.
Nowadays, after playing with SEPULTURA (DANTE XXI TOUR) and BLOOD PARADE (Argentina), SABAOTH is back, signed one more time for ICARUS MUSIC, and releasing their third album , "LES ILLUMINATIONS", a conceptual and vast work based on the symbolist poetry of the 19th century; taken words from authors such as Baudelaire and Lautréamont. LES ILLUMINATONS is available on

My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2006
Band Members: ..Zethyaz - Guitar and vocals

Kal Kav – Guitar, guitarra paraguaya, Bass, Piano and Choir

Xua – Drums and Choir

Influences: “There is a big misconception regarding the potential within black metal music, some believe it should just be played raw and simple, something similar to what the early punk movement in the UK believed his genre should sound like; but bands like Arcturus and Bathory have showed us that there is an enormous potential for beauty, intricate melodies and complex ideologies hidden within black metal, is not just about Satanism, and Sabaoth has taken upon them to let us know just how beautiful and intriguing black metal can be”.LEVIATAN MAGAZINE -By the way, the word “unique” may be also regarded to this album’s appearance; I mean, design, artwork and layout. Ok, it’s time to finish this review and I still can’t compare them to anyone? However, should I…? SABAOTH is SABAOTH, that is it.VAE SOLIS MAGAZINE-“They come from Paraguay and plays traditional black metal, much better than other BM bands from South America that I have heard. They are better than average and I do like their debut album”.GENOCIDE MAGAZINE-Second release from these excellent gothic Black Metallers Sabaoth! "Windjourney" is leaps and bounds above their debut, with catchy, melodic riffs, tranquil acoustic guitars, melodic and somber keyboards, clean gothic vocals combined with black vox done in the Swedish vein. A dark and melancholic atmosphere. All around an excellent follow up album.DARK SYMPHONY MAG-En algún momento te recuerda los grandes momentos de las bandas nórdicas, aunque debe quedar claro que SABAOTH está por encima de muchas de ellas... nada tiene que envidiar a estas bandas, al menos musicalmente, si geográficamente, por que mientras las jodidas compañías cierran sus garras sobre cualquier estereotipo de banda latitud norte... bandas como SABAOTH se siguen infravalorando.DEATH METAL SYMPHONIES.
Sounds Like: Lautréamont whispers
Record Label: ICARUS MUSIC
Type of Label: Indie

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