I tunes library :)...walks at night, with the ipod on...amaretto on the rocks...car drives...Reading Festival...New York...Asher my diamond of a girlfriend (l)
Guns N' Roses in 1985 :)
Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, The Enemy, Velvet Revolver, Gallows, The Killers, Feeder, Towers Of London, Motley Crue, Rammstein, Joseph Arthur, Jeff Buckley, Lowline, Arcade Fire, Exit Calm, MGMT, The Shaiyans, Sergeant, Pink Floyd, The Teenagers, Dire Straits
This Is England, Dead Man Shoes, The Business, Rise Of The Foot Soldier, Outlaw, Snatch, Lock Stock, The Krays, Goodbye Charlie Bright, Quadraphenia, Pirates Of The Carabean, Control, Lord Of The Rings, Kidulthood, Cloverfield, Rocky 1,2,3,4,5,6...
Boy Meets World, Only Fools and Horses, Royle Family, Towers of London (on bravo)
Slash, Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries, Tommy Lee: Tommyland, Guns N' Roses: The Band That Time Forgot, Guns N' Roses the photographic history,the great rock & metal discography and Guns N' Roses : Reckless Road the making of afd
My gawgus babbbbyyyyyyyy, i love the voices that we do their great, our conversations, her kisses are the best....the games we play eye spy, i went to the supermarker haha their great :)...everything about this girl is perfect and she makes me soooooo happy :)...love her loadssssss n loadsssssss