Please click on the above to visit the IAVA home page.
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."..........George Washington, 1789
Visit the Iraq Veterans Memorial here:
And learn how to post a memorial video of your own or host it on your website/webpage
We hope to help promote public awareness here across greater Chicagoland and maybe across the country, on issues of importance to us all, locally, nationally and globally so we don't have to attempt to decipher the spin we get from most television news (trying to heighten their ratings with shock media) and political leaders (trying to protect their offices and personal/special interests). We are about "community" and "the people as a whole" which has started to become a lost quality around these parts lately. When possible, film nights will be used as events in the burbs and in the City, trying to set one up on the north side now.
ALL PROCEEDS from our events will be donated to Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (
IAVA is a great organization that represents the best interests of the men and women of the military serving our country and democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the overall security and democracy of our great nation.
Feature films we have shown include:
"The War Tapes", shot exclusively by 5 members of the New Hampshire National Guard based in Iraq at LSA Anaconda in the deadly Sunni Triangle, under constant threat of ambush and IED attacks.
"Iraq For Sale-The War Profiteers", highly acclaimed director Robert Greenwald's newest film, which uncovers the connections between private corporations making billions in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
Special thanks to the Kane County Chronicle for co-sponsoring our local events with our family.
We greatly appreciate your interest in supporting our Troops and Veterans (and their families), their best interests, and IAVA.
Mark G.