the names steffany, steff, girlfriend, aunty mimi
sometimes bitch if people dont know me at all
easily amused, but not easily impressed
i hope for a dark man b/c i am a dark girl
people say it'd be good to have a white one to balance me out :D
pretty selective wen choosing friends
could explain why i have a few good ones, and not a lot of acquaintances
been working for about 3 years as a dental hygiene assistant
currently got a job waitressing at a restaraunt/bar for sum side cash
taking the semester off as a strategic career move :D
and hoping to start next fall at CCSN in las vegas
i prolly went to every skewl hawaii had to offer
a few likes would be purple, iced tea, pedicures, and gaining weight
dislikes include trying to lose the weight i like to gain
skewl, & toilet paper rolls w/o toilet paper on it
not much to me..jess trying to "live in the moment"
growing up is what i strive to do
and biggest thing..i give everyone the benefit of the doubt!