im Gettinq over her
hmm; well me and my ex were supposed to make a year and 5 months 2day =/ i creid soo hard. cried on my mom's shoulders. not because i miss her, but because i felt use. as a rebound. you know whats lo...Posted by on Mon, 05 Oct 2009 06:31:00 GMT
the first time I ever herd METAL I remeber it was like mabey 5 or 6. I remeber I was in the back of my mothers car. we were comming from visiting my step father, while he was in jail. so when I 1st he...Posted by on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 21:18:00 GMT
me and thomas qot cauqht =/
this is bassiclly w. happen. we would have qotton away, pero I was like chill we need a better anqle. then we started foolinq arnd takinq ODE then I was like common lets qoo b4 we qett c...Posted by on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 16:19:00 GMT
conversation with mom 3 months 3 weeks after our break up
KnoCKiN' OUT MYSLEEPY BOOT'S >:)MOM: "Your hearts too biq, she was too small, by the way u write 2 her, shit you done, thinqs u said, aint no otha playa qunna treat her that way, there aint qunna b...Posted by on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:44:00 GMT
damn my fuckinq summer soo sooo startedd soooooo late. all I been doinq since last monday is qoinq 2 da beach. I barley sleep animore. thank qod that you know I'm occupinq my brain, insted of just sit...Posted by on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 21:32:00 GMT
well my mOm abbondoned me @ the aqe of 2. my father is a druq dealer in dominican repuBliiC and I was fourced 2 live with my GraNDparents.cus there the only peOple whO coUld take CaRe of me. well I ha...Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 18:17:00 GMT