Leslie & Kirk=NO ORDINARY LOVE ♥&hearts profile picture

Leslie & Kirk=NO ORDINARY LOVE ♥&hearts

I am here for Friends

About Me

Complicated really....I am totally in love with a man that has my heart and soul. I only have a few close friends and I like it that way. I am secretive unless you are one of the few friends I have, but only my husband knows EVERYTHING about me, which could be a dangerous thing. I am up for meeting new people so if you want to talk just email me.
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70 Odd Questions:
70 Odd Questions
What is your middle name? Marie
What color is your mailbox? Black
Are you single? Not at all, happily married biotch!
Have you ever hit a deer? Nope
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? Kinda..
What color is your room? Purple
Do you have a small driveway? HELL ON that bitch is long!
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? hmm nope guess not
What do you do first in the morning? brush my teeth, then sex :)
What brand is your printer? HP
Do you enjoy fighting with people? Depends
Is your hair naturally straight or curly? Straight
Who was your kindergarten teacher? cant remember her name
What is your ringtone? Akon- Dont matter
Are you taller than your mom? Nope
What curse word do you say the most when your pissed? FUCK!
Are you God? HA!
Do you like someone? Love someone
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? yup yup
Does anything hurt on your body right now? yea my hand has been hurting for some reason
Do you often cry during a movie? yes very often
Last phone call you received? From Kirk or Jim cant remember
Last text message? Jim
Do you hate your life? Not at all
Do you get mad easily? Ehh..I guess
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who dont take a hint that they are not wanted AT ALL (HINT HINT)
Are you cold? Actually yes
Do any of your friends have kids? Yes and I am a nanny :)
Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now? Yes and it is a sad thing
Who should pay on the first date? The one who asks for the date
How many years older than you are you willing to date? Ha well my love is 20 yrs older so...
Do you have any friends? a few
Do you have any mean friends? Ha yea, but they arent mean to me cause I am loved but they will kick your ass hoe!! :)
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? Brown
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? Oh yea
Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously? Yes I have. I have weird visions that way lol
Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yes mam!
Do you scratch your ears? When they itch??? hillarious
Who was the last person to hug you? Kirk
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now? Silvers, the only brand I wear pretty much
How tall are you? 5'4
What is the closest green object? umm cat litter bag lol
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you? Actually my dad told me Damion so that would have been aight!
Do you want to have kids? no comment
What is the brightest color you're wearing? heh denim I guess cause I have on a black shirt and black cons
Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have? Probably Kathy cause she is so awsome and I met her online which is odd for me.
Who do you hate the most right now? HA! They know who they are thats all I'll say bout that!!
What kind of car do you want? I have the car I want.
What is your favorite video game? Sims
Do you like your dad? Love him
Do you have any TV shows on DVD? OMG!!!! Yes...Full house seasons 1-6 (cause 7&8 hasnt came out yet) The Roseanne DVDs, Andy griffith, Ghost Hunters and many more that I dont feel like listing.
Are you wearing make-up? Never wear makeup! EEK
Do you have a tattoo? Yup
Have you ever broken a pinata? Yes I have
What time is it right now? 10:50 a.m
Do you know how to draw? nope not at all
Who loves orange soda? LESLIE DOES!!!!!!
Who did you last IM? Jeff
Do you work a lot of hours? Nope dont have to work :)
Where were you in the last 24 hours? Here...and Walmart
Who was the last person that called you? I already answered this
Is there anything you regret? not really cause everything happens for a reason I believe.
Do you know where your family name originated from? Germany homie!
Is there an animal that creeps you out? Just bugs that fly and have stingers EEK!
What is your favorite color ON A CAR? Black or silver
Do you use digital or film cameras? Digital...who the fuck uses film anymore?
Do you own an iPod? Yes mam!
Have you ever been on a charter bus? Umm nope
Do you like going to water parks? HELL YES!!!
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I'm Sticking With You:
The relationship in general.
How long have you been together? 6 years
Are you happy in your relationship? Extremely
If not/so, why? He is everything I have always wanted and looked for and more. We connect on such a personal and spirtual level it is ridiculous.He is my life.
Do you still get butterflies in your stomach? I just did
If you could change one thing about your relationship, what would it be? His past although we dont have to deal with it anymore :)
What are your nicknames for each other? Kirk-e-poo, boogie, cupcake, babygirl...alot more
Who said "I love you" first? He did :)
Has your relationship ever come close to ending? Not at all
Do you get along with their friends and family? NO!!!!!!!!!!! His friends are my friends to so yes on the friends part.
The favorite things about your partner.
Physical Feature? I love that fool's hands :) His eyes are nice too.
Personality Trait? He is quiet and shy, but open to things alot of other guys wouldnt be. He is DEAD SEXY! lol
Place to be with your partner? Anywhere
Memory? Ahhh to many really
A gift they've given you? He makes me candle holders every anniversary. Straight from the heart :)
The most adorable thing they've done? hmmm not sure really
Facts about your partner.
Birthplace? Michigan
Hair Color? Brown with some grey hehe
Eye Color? Baby blue
Height? 5'9
Body Type? Small :) Thats how I like it
What kind of music do they listen to? Al kinds but mainly classic rock
What kind of movies do they watch? Well he likes alot of disney movies lol His fav is Cars!!
What kind of social life do they have? Not a very wide spread one. He mainly likes to keep to hisself
Are they the life of the party? not at all bless his heart lol
How do they dress? casual
What are their hobbies? Model cars and music
Did they ever lie to you? Nope we are completely honest with one another
What annoying habit do they have? Smoking I guess, he doesnt annoy me
How often do they say "I love you?" ALLLLLLL the time
The firsts in your relationship.
Date? The night after we met we went out to eat
Kiss? 2 days after we met before he went to work :) sweet memories...
Dance? At this redneck club called the Reo to Doug Stone- I never knew love :)
Movie? hmm we just watched movies at home
Fight? Something about his past I'm sure *GAG*
The "first" time? Heh it was actually like a week or more after we met..we moved slow but I am glad
The moments that remind you why you're together.
What is one moment when you knew that they truly cared about you? From the night we met
What is one moment when you realized how much you cared for them? same ^^^^^
What is one moment when you knew they were the one? same^^^^^ lol
What is one moment when you realized that you'd be together forever? omg same ^^^
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My Interests

I LIKE: Lip bitage, boy kissage, tattoos, mk and ashley olsen, beautiful boys, full house, body glitter, lipgloss, emo boys, sex, the beach, spikes, chicken and rice soup, graveyards, ghosts, hauntings, grafitti, photography, passion, guy on guy porn, lust, obsession, serial killers, drive thru safaris, mentally ill people, book stores, starbucks, my husbands smell, gum, diet pills, shyness, veggies, nature, 80's hair bands, converse, hands, guns, poprocks, incense, the smell of my brand new car I HATE: Rednecks, liars, sluts, gold diggers, closed minded people, bars, strippers, liver, people who are late, people who are losers that think they are cool, wiggers, makeup, church, gas prices, immaturity, bleached hair
adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are Soulmates
Your meeting was by Fate
He/She is your Protector
You are his/her Best friend
Your love will Last for all eternity

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Way to much of a variety to list
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


Different kinds and my guilty pleasure is chick flicks
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I do not watch this new shit they call T.V..Although i do own alot of seasons of older sitcoms


True crime and literature that is educational
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


My beautiful husband. He is my world and I would kill for that man.

My Blog


Tomorrow is a day I have been looking forward to for a long long time!  OZZFEST!  All my life I have wanted to see ozzy live but never got the chance. Well, I ordered the "Black Rain" cd and...
Posted by Leslie & Kirk=NO ORDINARY LOVE ♥♥ on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 07:23:00 PST