The Good Spirit profile picture

The Good Spirit

About Me

• We were formed in late 2004 because that was a great year to start. • We play rock because we can’t, won’t and do not need to play anything else. • We are called THE GOOD SPIRIT because we believe in love, peace, friends, equal rights and harmony for everyone. • We are a 4 piece band because we don’t need a violin… at the moment. • We sing mostly about love (in different shades) because that matters. • We may seem like a new band and we are (but together we’ve got experience enough for the sum of an average lifetime). • We all started playing at small and dirty bars, moving on to bigger arenas and some of us even made it to huge festivals and the USA (but we’ll never get too proud to play at the same small and dirty bars once again). • We have formed this band for at least three good reasons: a) to enjoy ourselves, b) to try to write the perfect rock song & album, and c) to enjoy as many people as possible. • We are THE GOOD SPIRIT and WE WILL ROCK YOU! real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
This profile was designed by Stig Nyeng .

My Interests


Member Since: 29/08/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:Stig Nyeng: Vocals & Bass + Lyrics & Music, Jacob Hansen: Drums (& Music), Henrik Juul: Rythm & Lead Guitar (& Music), Mark Cedermark: Rythm Guitar (& Music)
Influences: Pearl Jam, The Wallflowers, Foo Fighters, (old) Guns'n'roses, Ryan Adams (NOT brian!!!), Rolling Stones, The Who, Charlie Sexton Sextet and many more...
Sounds Like: A mix of all of the above plus a whole lotta ourselves... we hope!?
Record Label: Still unsigned but hopefully not for too long

My Blog

Each song & lyric of The Good Spirit

This Is - An introduction song to the world of The Good Spirit. The beat and rythm is pretty heavy but the whole idea of this short song was to let it contain every aspect of The Good Spirit...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:12:00 GMT

The lyrics of The Good Spirit (in danish only)

  The english version of the text below is yet to come. Teksterne i Newfield's univers er alle skrevet af bassist/forsanger Stig Nyeng, der efterhånden har opnået mellem 12 og 16 års erfaring i...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:51:00 GMT

The inspiration of The Good Spirit (in english & danish)

    The music of Newfield is strongly based on the old american rock traditions. The main writer of all the songs in Newfield, Stig Nyeng  does not hide his sources of inspir...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:20:00 GMT