Il primo nucleo della band si forma per opera dei fratelli Stefano e Pierluigi Paolucci, ad essi si aggiungono in seguito il bassista Adolfo Calandro ed il percussionista Francesco Panarese. Il combo sperimenta vari stili giungendo infine ad una miscelazione sonora che unisce heavy stoner ,psichedelia e sonorità tribali. I testi, invece trattano di viaggi introspettivi e di analisi della comune realtà quotidiana, che, piagata dal degrado e dalla alienazione che conseguono allo stile di vita imposto dalla società , genera rabbia e frustrazione. La band ha all'attivo la registrazione di una demo intitolata "First breath" ('98), un cd omonimo "Lost Moon" ('02), e molte partecipazioni a compilation. Tutti i lavori sono stati recensiti in maniera ottima da varie fanzine cartacee e virtuali, oltre che da riviste specializzate a tiratura nazionale (per info visita il sito ufficiale della band). In 16 anni di attività i Lost Moon hanno effettuato centinaia di date ovunque in Italia ed in Svizzera ed i brani del cd sono stati trasmessi da molte radio sia italiane che estere.Nel 2007 la band ha incominciato la collaborazione con Alkemist-Fanatix Europe ed il nuovo album intitolato "King of Dogs" uscirà il 26 novembre sotto etichetta U.K. DIVISION e distribuzione P.H.D. ....Lost Moon 's coming back again........
ENGLISH BIO:The first core of the band was born in the early 90s with the Paolucci brothers: Stefano(guitars/vocals) and Pierluigi (drums); after many line up changes LOST MOON became stable when Adolfo Calandro (bass) and Mauro Colloca (percussion) joined the band. The combo started working on their typical sound, a mix of heavy psychedelic stoner and hard tribal rhytms.In 1998 Lost Moon recorded the first demo called "First Breath" a self-produced work in which the sound of the band already shows its distinctive mark. The work was reviwed by national and international magazines and 'zines (Flash,Metal Shock, Metal Revolution, Beyound webzine and many others) and it allowed the band to play throughout Italy and have some gigs in Switzerland. In 2002 was released the first selfproduced cd "LOST MOON" where the aggressive and tribal sound of the band is
fused with melancholy and introspective melody of "psych" ballads. The band took part in many compilations (.....) and saw their songs broadcasted from several radios in Italy (Take a look at Lost Moon site). The reviews were favourable (,, Perkele, Kronic, Metallo italiano, True, Rockshock, and many others) and the band started
a tour to promote their work. In 2003 Mauro Colloca left Lost Moon and Francesco Panarese,a percussionist, joined the band, thus adding more emphasis to rhythmic sounds with his tribal style.At present (2007) the last work of the band is ready to burn your ass with acid tribal sounds and destructive rage, although sometimes mixed
with introspective and soft ballds inviting to reflection on man's present condition. "King of Dogs" is scheduled for release on 26 november 2007 under U.K.Division records/P.H.D....."The Bad dogs are back, fuckerz.Have a Try".